Reviews from

in the past

My ass is not joking, this is actual fucking peak. I love Peggle so fucking much. I don't ever think I will ever be able to play Peggle enough. It's so fucking good. I fucking love this game so fucking much. Fuck.

they call me the peg master (sex joke)

incredibly wonderful game to revisit every now and again. very satisfying and lovely

Why is this game so fucking hard.

The game of the century continues to be robbed time and time again

This game changed not only my life, but the lives of all of my friends and family as well. Every night, in my restless dreams, I see Bjorn staring back at me. I follow Bjorn into the meadows, where I begin to shoot balls out of a little cannon into colored pegs, lighting them up for more and more points. This has been a reoccurring dream to me, and I do not think this will change anytime soon. Thank you, Bjorn. Thank you, PopCap. And most importantly: Thank you, Peggle. My life is forever changed. I love you.

Definitivamente no hay ni habra un juego como Peggle, nada me hara divertirme ni sufrir tanto como lo hizo este juego. Aun recuerdo ser un niño y jugar ese nivel final intentando romper todas las bolas, y años despues... pude completar todos los niveles y desafios de este juego...
Este videojuego es la perfeccion, y nada lo superara...

i could take it or leave it

My friends and i love pegging together

no part of this rating is a joke

I remember when the unicorn said "It's Peggin' Time!" Truly the number one balls experience.

theres a chance for the funniest thing ever to happen here

Would be 5 if peggle nights didnt exist

there's a gopher who randomly appeears to play guitar

more fun than it has any right to be

I'm glad that this game makes more people open to pegging

I FUCKING LOVE PEGGLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Entertainment has a rich and diverse history, spanning millennia and evolving alongside human civilization. In ancient times, communal gatherings featured storytelling, music, and dance, serving as both cultural expression and social bonding. The invention of writing systems facilitated the preservation and dissemination of stories, enabling the emergence of theater and literature in civilizations like ancient Greece and Rome. Throughout the Middle Ages, traveling performers entertained crowds with plays, music, and acrobatics. The Renaissance witnessed a flourishing of arts, with the rise of opera, symphonies, and theater. The industrial revolution introduced mass-produced entertainment, including novels, newspapers, and eventually, cinema and radio. The 20th century saw the rapid expansion of entertainment mediums, from television to video games, shaping global culture and defining modern leisure activities. Today, entertainment continues to evolve with digital technology, offering immersive experiences through streaming services, virtual reality, and social media platforms, reflecting the ongoing evolution of human creativity and expression. anyways this game is great