Just an brasilian that likes to play games without caring when they've been released. Also plays bad games propositally sometimes

Steam: Morrigan Narukami

[Ignore MGS2 being the only one in my Top 5. I can't decide which more to add because it keeps changing]
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Thanks Steam for providing an new game sharing system and making it possible for me to play this masterpiece
Although the game is not finished, so this isn't my final opinion (there is still the two chapters left)

That being said, there is almost no bad thing that I can say about it, The gunplay is incredible as well as any gameplay mechanic, the style system works just like DMC and Bayonetta and is also fun but challenging to dominate, the enemies are very diverse, the voice acting (when it have) is excelent, the ambience is beautiful ESPECIALLY FOR THE FIRST LIMBO LEVEL AND THE DESERT ONE, the graphics are great even without the filter, the SFXs are satisfactory as hell and even the songs I like a lot. And just to be clear, I hate breakcore, so for me to find an exception of breakcore music I like it's really an achievement
The only "weak" thing I think I can say is the story, but it does enter on that quote from John Carmark:
"Story in a game is like a story in a porn movie. It's expected to be there, but it's not that important."
Although I don't agree entirely with him nowdays, this is an example where what he said is actually true. It's not a bad story, far from it. It's just not that important

The only warning that I'll give, the game doesn't have pity for the player, so if you think it's too difficult for you, don't hesitate on turning down the difficulty at any time. You'll still need to complete the stages on higher difficulties, but for lower ones the game will unlock the stages even if you didn't completed them (as long as you complete on a higher one, of course)
Believe me, I've completed on the standard and was already having my ass kicked on the first boss

As for now, I strongely recommend for people who likes Movement Shooters/Boomer Shooters like Doom and Stylish Hack And Slash games like DMC. You will not regret
I just don't give five stars YET because the game is not complete, but depending on how it ends it will be five stars without a doubt

It has been a long time since the last time I've played. When I was like 13, I've always said that this was a good game even though I understand why some people disliked it, but replaying now I'm not so sure anymore

The music are awesome and the sprites are very well done. Not only that but every Kaiju fight is awesome (for an NES game, obviously)
The problem unfortunally cames when you play the side scrolling stages, which is basically 80% of the game at least. It's almost impossible to dodge any obstacles with Godzilla, but even considering that those stages are easy as fuck, specially with Mothra (which is funny because she controls like ass)
But here is the bad part. Is not just because it's easy, but because it's boring. After Mars or Jupiter, the game doesn't add any completly new stage (at least visually), and when it does it's just an color swap of another one. The only times I've lost Godzilla or Mothra outside an Kaiju fight was just because an "Bomb" kept hitting me because the game doesn't have invencibility frames (neither for you or the enemies)

I wouldn't say to play it, but I wouldn't say to not play either. Although It's repetitive after sometime, it's short and does provide some fun moments
It's mid, no doubt. But at least it's closer to being good than to being bad

A small game, but one that filled the need of a new 3D Metroidvania, at least for now. Just remembering that the last good one that we had was Metroid Prime 3 in 2007 (I refuse to count Federation Force), and if you count the ones that were not intentional, Batman Arkham Asylum in 2009

A great ambience, compact map but with a level design that doesn't feel that everything was just trown in any way without caring, an good and sometimes relaxing soundtrack, upgrades that aren't hard to find, an challenging difficulty (unless you use the aim because that is broken af), smooth and fun controls that if you dominate you can go crazy while traveling and still be fun, great graphics that combines with what the game wants to be, and the list goes on and on
Also, the games supports mods, so you can add skins to Sybil and her weapon (there is even a mod where she carries an baby Klonoa), alongside new maps to challenge yourself

The only things that I think it could be better was the minimap's size being shrunk a little and the wall kick limit not going directly to zero if you don't hit a wall or something like that.

Besides that, I loved the game and can't wait to see what the creator will do on their next games. And just like Assautl Spy, I hope someday it releases on other platforms too