Reviews from

in the past

I backed this game on kickstarter way back cuz I believed in it. Honestly its sad to see so many superior H games that are at a fraction of the cost. The whole pooter point system is also an unnecessary cockblock for a h game that already has annoying gameplay. The plot itself is actually pretty interesting and cool and the h scenes and graphics are nice but they probably should have went the VN route I cant recommend this.

The Steam trial period before refund is 2 hours. But in first 2 hours of the game there is barely 15 minutes of gameplay with 1 minute of looped NSFW content. Everything else is endless dialogs, without proper animation for talking characters. It supposed to be a tactical combat game, but not a linear visual novel. I was very disappointed that the game was so linear. I understand, its an early access, and there is alot of missing content. But I'm sure that many people will refund this game simply because it doesnt show its actual gameplay in the first 2 hours. It's been almost 3 years since the game was released and if this is what it is now, I can't even imagine how mediocre it was when it was first released. Obviously, the fact that it's in early access is no longer an excuse. In every good game story progression and cutscenes are a reward for successful mission, not the other way around, when you are rewarded with few minutes of gameplay for listening a long dialog. Its not so hard to add more random shooting or tactical missions between dialogs, to keep players engaged. I don't understand why this game is classified as an RPG. You do almost nothing in the game except reading dialog. Even in the sex scenes in the game you have no control and that's not acceptable. That's the whole point of playing this game. The main story is boring and a Mass Effect ripoff. The main character looks like a terrible Star-Lord copy. The game's turn-based isometric combat mechanics are also terrible. I've been seriously bored for the hours I've played so far and I don't know how much longer I can keep this up. If this keeps up, I'll probably have to uninstall the game because it takes up close to 60 GB of space, which is just ridiculous.

like ok I guess, should've been uploaded directly to pornhub instead of making a game out of it - story is easily the worst part, second is the actual gameplay. Boobs are good