Reviews from

in the past

Art, vibes, and gay people are 10/10, but I'm bad at metroidvanias.

Fun mechanics, Great soundtrack, Decent challenge
Good metroidvania

I can tend to get bored of metrovania's somewhat quickly sometimes

Luna Nights is absolutely stellar, probably the best metroidvania I've ever played. The elements are light, as most backtracking is just to acquire unnecessary stat upgrades. I actually appreciate this though, as it cuts down on monotony and put the focus on puzzle-solving and combat - which it greatly excels at. You play as Sakuya, a maid with the ability to manipulate time by slowing it, or stopping it completely. The game stays true to its bullet hell roots, especially in the phenomenal boss encounters. They really throw everything at you to balance out the power differential your time powers create. Having to juggle your time, health, and mana creates a fun gameplay loop that encourages you to take risks to recover them. This is the second time I've played through this game. The first being before the bonus level was released, and it's just as good as I remember. All this, and I haven't even mentioned the gorgeous pixel art and awesome Touhou jams that play throughout the game. I only have a two small issues with the game. One, towards the end they send a few too many spongey mobs at you, but they are at most a mild inconvenience and easily ignored. Two, you can get the ability to sprint in the bonus level, but it's a double tap input. The sprint is never necessary, and misinputting every now and then hurt me more than it helped. In the end, it's a short time, but damn if it isn't a good one.

La mecánica de parar el tiempo es increíble aunque debería el juego dejar de poner enemigos en sitio tan puto molestos

As much as I don't like 2hu I fw my queen Sakuya HEAVY in this game. Most balanced and savory mechanic ass metro-whatever-the-fuck-its-called. The timestops, slowdowns, dashes and stuff were gas. The NG+ Was for sure worth it. The entire game was worth it, didn't require lazer focus and it was perfectly smooth and encapsulating to play during a school day. The boss fights were creative as hell and the power up system was balanced and fair. After finishing it, I kept coming back because with the power of save edditing, abillities I loved became boundless. I was there with an infinite time stop and max MP spamming knife throws like a hoe. Knives with abillities were a huge addon with the masterful time altering mechanics. The basic stun knife held my game together so hard, swatting shit ass faries out the air with chainsaws was also something else. Huge props to the dev, more people should play.

Sukaya is in the game, so it must be a 10/10.

You can stop time and throw knives and jump on the knives just like DIO. Everything about this game's music, pixel art, sound design, and gameplay is excellent. Team Ladybug makes good shit every time without fail.

I hate how the games spawns back the mobs whenever I enter a room and get out again

Awesome in all senses, just kinda short.

For a metroidvania based on a bullet hell game, this is surprisingly well designed and solidly balanced for difficulty.
The metroidvania aspects of the game are mid. The combat is unique and encourages risk taking and close calls over safe play.
Encourage it for fans of metroidvanias that don't care about a story (this game is all about the Touhou universe and I don't understand any of the references in it).

i really like seeing how much faster i am every time i start a boss rush up

solid, didnt like the map

Decent game. I wouldn't really call it a metroidvania. It feels like one, but its entirely linear. The only backtracking is for optional stat upgrades that feel pretty lackluster. The game play is good, but isnt really anything special. Especially when optimal strategy devolves into spamming thousand knives. Good level of challenge. The best part about this game is how short it is. Much longer and it would overstay its welcome.

La mejor mecánica principal que he visto nunca en un metroidvania.
El único problema de este juego es que es demasiado corto

Fire fire fire fire

Graze mechanic is genius, and the high difficulty and bullet hell boss fights are super sick.

Finished main story, didn't beat the secret boss due to lack of interest.

Great little game, love me some time powers.

Fantastic game. Time powers are handled very well. Fourth best Metroidvania.

A unique and fun little game. Despite being a bit short, it's decently challenging. However, the boss attacks are always in the same pattern makes fights somewhat predictable.

This may be the only Touhou game I've played but damn is it good

¿Es el metroidvania más simple y linear que he jugado en toda mi vida? Si.

¿Es un juegazo que se ve increíble, dura 8 horas pasárselo al 100%, tiene musicote y un sistema de combate muy interesante, versátil y que, aún dándote el poder tan roto que es el detener el tiempo, maneja la dificultad de sus combates y exploración de maravilla?

Pues también.

Risk/reward getting close to enemies is one of the coolest mechanics. Oh yeah, also frickin stop time.

Being a touhou game may be scary for new players but putting that aside, this is a perfect fun and challenging experience

Fun fights and enjoyable exploration but extremely short. Wasn't a fan of the time-stop combat but adapted and went along for the ride. Music and art is well done. Didn't play post-game. Due for a revisit.