Reviews from

in the past

when you’re naturally a little bit shaky playing this game is basically like the dark souls of the operation boardgame

yea i just broke my wii remote, fire game

extremely fun game that was forgotten to time

I did everything but the X cases because I'd rather not have carpal

A remake of the original DS game. I like a lot of it, though I do think the motion controls are little more finicky than the original's touch screen controls.

this is ridiculous but i like it

I recently stole the identity of a doctor and have heart surgery scheduled for tomorrow. Now with no prior medical training, I think this game has prepared me! Thank you Dr. Stiles!

Decent enough game but I think the DS version is better from what I played of it. Suturing in this version consists of randomly swiping the wiimote instead of making actual stitches, and the triangle "parasites" are bullshit. A real shame as I was decently invested in the story and gameplay.

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This game was 100% made for the Wii. I know it's a remake of a Nintendo DS game, but it controls just so perfectly (more or less) with a wii remote and nunchuk, the controls are ingenious. The plot is 90% the same as Under the Knife, which I did slander a bit for being repetitive at points and for writing women fairly poorly (I still rated it four stars though), and the same concept applies here: once you get into the grit of doing GUILT missions, that's basically the rest of the game from there on out. A big difference here however is the last chapter (before the X missions) is based on a trip to Europe and dealing with a GUILT outbreak there, including mutated versions of what we've already fought, and multiple strains at the same time in patients.

- Mutated Deftera actually kind of sucks and is just obnoxious with the blood pools
- Mutated Tetarti (not the same one as in UtK2) is a great addition which makes an otherwise easy GUILT strain much more deadly, and frankly it adds some great variety
- Mutated Savato is basically a numbers increase but honestly it's a much more appropriate thematic end to the series than the boat chapter was, and I even liked the boat chapter in UtK!

..speaking of UtK2, why does UtK2 not reference this game at all? I think it's a bit of an odd choice to give Derek and Dr. Hoffman GUILT and then just never reference at any point in UtK2 that they could be afflicted with PGS like the other patients and characters that have it. That's neither here nor there but I find it weird.

Back on track, the other thing that SO majorly diverges from UtK in is that it has a Z-route featuring Naomi Kimishima, who is an excellent character and has fun missions that serve almost as a prototype to some of the ones in New Blood. I wish her route was more fleshed out, but I really like what the game gave us a lot and it serves as a good break from the endless GUILT missions. Chef's kiss.

Ultimately, SO isn't that much different from UtK, but it feels polished and really achieves what it set out to do, which is to make a great remake of the DS game on the Wii.

had so much fun playing through this game with a friend on his wii. was the first time we hung out together and the game play was super fun. i also really like medical doctor drama stuff too so it wa sright up my alley

Mentiría si diría que no he disfrutado este juego hasta el epílogo. Es el segundo Trauma Center que juego (el primero fue New Blood) y los conocimientos que tenía del anterior juego me han hecho sacar mejores puntuaciones y ha hecho lucir mis habilidades. Los personajes me han encantado y cada uno tiene su papel en la historia que da sentido a todo. Derek como protagonista me ha gustado mucho, al igual que Angie, tienen una buena dinámica juntos. Lo recomiendo <3

The story jumps so fast and all over the place that you never have time to understand what's going on before it ends. They cut out the entire ending chapter of the original DS version to completely gloss over it in 2 paragraphs of text and rob the story of any sense of cohesion. I also found a lot of the levels very tedious and repetitive, and it might just be my nunchuk but it felt like it was impossible to select the tools positioned at 45 degree angles half the time. The base mechanics are solid enough and I'm glad this game crawled so Trauma Team could learn to run but I am never touching this again lmao

short but fun and hard. i wish it could come back somehow.