Reviews from

in the past

pretty fun if you want more content with similar game play play vampire survivors

Want to become an almighty lighting god? Then unleash your inner deity and effortlessly zap demons out of existence. Perhaps you prefer a more fiery approach, then become one with the flamethrower and reduce demons to ashes. Maybe you wish to indulge in the thrill of living on the edge by embodying a god damn walking powerhouse of an explosive character that leaves a trail of destruction in your path, even endangering your own existence.

This is the essence of 20 Minutes Till Dawn. A top down roguelike shooter that offers a vast array of abilities, allowing you to customize and utilize countless power ups that complement your character's skills. Experimenting is key to the success of your run as you search for the perfect combination of offensive and defensive perks, while all the same surviving a horde of demons that increase by the minute. It's an intense yet addicting gameplay loop that will keep you busy for hours on end. And while it is possible to achieve the most optimal build, I think the game truly shines when it allows you to just go berserker and reap chaos everywhere.

My one and only gripe with the game is its monochrome- like aesthetic. It’s meant to capture the vibe of fending demons in the underworld, and while that’s fine and all. It can become a bit too overwhelming to experience as a player especially when the chaos intensifies, it becomes increasingly harder to differentiate between the various enemies as they lack any real distinct color from one another.

All and all, it’s still a great game that one can pick up and play to pass the time. The craziest part is that this game sits a solid $5 on Steam, and on top of all that it’s continually receiving free DLC content, expanding its already compact experience.