Reviews from

in the past

De todos que ja joguei esse foi o mais difícil, com um "mapa" grande, fica mais complicado.
Joguinho extremamente simples, mas muito legal, ainda mais se você gosta de gatos.
Além de ser free, só vantagens

jueguillo divertido me ha tomado 14 minutillos

If you used hints you're a loser

My journey into these 100 cat games continues. This one was easier than 100 Capitalist Cats, but harder than 100 Asian Cats. So that's a nice balance. However, the clicking on cats is surprisingly unresponsive, which is a problem considering that's the only gameplay. Also one of the cats is rather obnoxiously hidden almost directly behind the main menu button so that's fun.

Harder than 100 asian cats. Also you can't get 100% achievements due to paywall.

The main point of these cat hidden objects games is getting all the achievements, but getting the achievements in this one are behind a paywall. Also this one is NOT pretty to look at, very harsh on the eyes. And the music is especially nauseating. Also there's no hints!!

Review EN/PTBR

Speedrun 15 minutes and I'm already beat it


Speedrun 15 minutos e já zerei

Hey what if I plagiarized a game and then made the game's description on Steam near identical to the one I'm copying and then made 5 donation dlc's that go up to 200 dollars and then made them go on Steam promo's to further incentivize impressionable people who mistake me for the original developer, I think that would be very funny.

It's just one of those cute games where you have to find cats, plus it's free!

You'll need the DLC to do 100% achievements, but the DLC is cheap.

Small chill game. Too bad every level is a new game.

I am unmatched in finding felines, catching cats, purloining pusses, kidnapping kitties, proclaiming pets, taking toms, and checks thesaurus making way with moggies! I'm the cat's meow at this, and you'll hear no hissy fit from me nor mewlings of mad ravings!

anyway, this was one of the more entrancing jpegs i've stared at for a few minutes, but i just spammed hints at the end cause i didn't care too much about finding these jolly cats on my own. If you also just saw these 100 cat games and were curious, don't even bother, it's just click on a still picture for a few minutes, there are better hidden object games (though few with as many meows).

é bem legal pra passar o tempo

I do enjoy these cute "hidden object" games, especially when my mind is occupied with some heavy processing and I'm not ready to invest myself into serious gameplay. But this particular one is a disappointment.

- Clicking is often not registered properly. It's more annoying than you might think… when clicking essentially IS the gameplay.

- It's small and forgettable. It does entice you to buy level 2 to find another batch of 100 cats (paid DLC), even redirecting you to your shopping cart with the said DLC already added (without your consent). I wouldn't mind paying for DLC if I'd enjoyed the core content, but the said content consists of 1 low-res picture that I spent 10 minutes staring at.

- 2 out of 7 achievements are locked behind paid DLC. I find the practice of locking achievements behind paywall kinda foul, no matter the price.

If there's some competition in the "100 hidden…" subgenre, it's to be expected that someone would try to recreate the success in the lazy, low effort manner.

Just like the prequel. Its bad but even more. The other 100 whatever games have each clickable as an achievment to incentivise something. But this one tries to be different and made actual achievments for doing different stuff. Some are locked behind DLC what AAA Games do too, not great but i guess. But by doing everything, clicking 100 Cats on a bad black and white jpeg, you maybe only get 2 or if you got lucky 3. I know this is insignificant but i care about that stuff and i spent more time on this review than on the actual game. Dont get it, just dont.