Reviews from

in the past

I have no words for how good this game was! The ending caught me off guard and literally cried a little when the last BIG scene happened :,)

Definitely worth the play. It's short-ish (around 2h - main story), so you can finish it in a day.

Para aquecer o coração com fofura, oferecendo mecânicas simples e uma exploração divertida. Feito com carinho para relaxar e trazer a sensação de liberdade de uma criança explorando uma ilha repleta de surpresas. Sem a pressão de ter que fazer tudo perfeito, falhar ou perder conquistas. Basta sair saltitando por aí, descobrindo a fauna ao redor e fazer parte da comunidade.

LOVELY. SO NICE. this is a super cute game. Relaxing and lovely and satisfying. Kind of like lil gator game except for very young children because of how simple it is.

Sweet and short little game which is probably the cutest little thing a kid could ever play (after Wandersong). Beautiful adventure about animals, an environmentalist message, you have to adore it kinda.

Un juego requeteprecioso, y tan puramente Españita que a veces incluso evoca una nueva especie de uncanny valley.

Cute little game about taking photos of and caring for animals. Has a short run time that doesn’t overstay its welcome. Nothing amazing but a nice way to spend an afternoon.

It was an okay game. Pretty short, which was nice, and the art was cute. Learned I am bad at telling the difference between different kinds of birds, lol.

A beautiful cozy game that allows you to become a defender of wildlife. A great game for any animal lover looking for a short game to play.

Un juego acogedor, relajado, agradable... No es muy largo, pero no hace falta. Andar por la isla, sacar fotos de animales y echar una mano a la gente del pueblo es un placer.

The game is very good. Both kids and adults can easily play without getting bored. The game creates love and respect for both nature and animals. The game ends in a short time. Buy and play.

A rare birdwatching game done extremely well, a pleasure to play

The story is pretty by-the-numbers, but the gameplay itself is delightful and entertaining. I really enjoyed the mechanic of the protagonist nodding or shaking her head. Some of the birds are a bit difficult to scan due to the speed they move at, but the enviromentalist themes are well-done and it's overall a very fun game, if short.

extremely sweet game. could be another case of me being 5 years old but i liked this a lot.

Adorable virtual holiday with a cute artstyle and wonderful soundscape. Perfectectly sized to play through in a single session.

A short little game about a girl preserving the wildlife of an island. Very pretty and cute. 8.5/10

This game is so cute and pretty I love it bunches, the small length of the game allows it to not get old or boring and the gameplay of alba exploring and finding new animals made it just a silly little time with silly little characters.

When I first started this, my naïve first impressions were, "Wait... is all you do in this game just walk around the island and take pictures of the wildlife?" and, while the answer to that is yes, it's far more compelling than you may realise.

Alba: A Wildlife Adventure is set on the fictional Spanish island town of Secarral, where the titular character is staying on vacation to visit her grandparents. While she's there, the town mayor and a shady businessman make the announcement that the town's beloved nature reserve is getting torn down to make way for a five-star luxury hotel. Now it's up to Alba and her best friend, Inés, to form a Wildlife Rescue League and save the island with petitions and photographs.

It's a short, sweet and incredibly cute adventure that is very confident in its messaging and presentation and conveys that through simple, cozy gameplay as you catalogue all of the island's adorable animals (none of which you can pet, unfortunately.) The locals and locales of the island are all really charming as well, which helps sell its chill summer vibes and relaxing atmosphere.

My only complaints with the game are its animal variety and smaller things like not being able to move around while you have your phone out to take a picture. These two go hand-in-hand since the vast majority of the animals you encounter on the island are birds and many of them you're only able to catalogue by photographing them as they're flying. Since they never really stop or fly slowly enough, it can be quite tedious as you try to line up the shot and zoom perfectly.

But I digress. Despite this, Alba: A Wildlife Adventure is a truly wonderful game with a powerful message that is conveyed sincerely and naturally through the exploration and joy of its environment, helped by the oh-so-charming sights, sounds, and vibes of the island and its people.


i love this game with all my heart

the path to finding new media can be so wild sometimes. a month ago the youtube algorithm randomly recommends me a video about the fear of space from a video essayist who combines all kinds of media into their given theses. I like the video, check out another, one about games with the most "alive" environments. it's mostly about red dead redemption, but for at least a minute it's alba. which is now likely one of my favorite games of the year

um, yeah! this is exceptional for what it is: a warm-hearted, couple-hour, culturally rich game about community, ecology, and exploration through the eyes of a child.

the vibes are impeccable and the characters are sketched out well enough to feel tangible and human. absolutely overflows with charm. a lot of small, smart elements that keep the island feeling alive, both in terms of the wildlife and community. very grateful that it has room for additional save slots, as I could totally see myself revisiting this if I ever want to warm up my spirit

I gotta be brutally honest, I didn't really enjoy this game.

I didn't know it was a phone game at first.
The little tasks become quickly repetitive and the bird photography is just for the sake of taking pictures of birds, looking for them for fun, no reward.
cute and cool game

An absolute serotonin shot of a game. It just makes me happy to run around watching wildlife on a cozy Mediterranean island. The caveat is that the game is rather short, around 3.5 hours to 100%. I would have loved to see the concept expanded more, but I cant imagine many people coming away from this disliking it.

My friends' daughter loves playing it.

positive wildlife conservation themes and pretty wholesome.

the gameplay isn't anything too insane. most of it is just taking pictures and pressing A until you've interacted with everything in a given area, but it's clearly created for a younger audience and so i don't think its fair for me to say "wow gameplay chugs" or anything like that. definitely the best part is trying to get all of the animals scanned on your phone, as you can listen to the sounds they make in the wildlife guide and then recognize that sound in game to figure out where they are if you can't easily see them.

unfortunately, i feel like so many birds look like each other (lmao) and that's kinda just a fault of reality, i guess, but when they're flying in the air and such it's very difficult to actually tell what a bird is unless you're pointing the camera at it. as such, a large portion of this game is spent looking at birds with your camera that you already have logged, which ends up feeling a little silly. totally could be a me problem though for sure. also, the wildlife guide is disappointingly bare. it has all of the creatures, what they look like, their scientific name, and their sound, but that's it. there's no fun fact or diet or wingspan or anything listed about the creatures, and that ends up making them feel more like checks on a checklist as opposed to creatures that you should strive to conserve, which i feel reduces the effect of this game overall.

there is a website called Ecologi that supports reforestation, and the creators of Alba, Ustwo Games, commits one tree to that mission for every game downloaded or sold. as of my time of writing, they're currently in place 5th on the leaderboard for businesses with just over 1 million trees funded, which i think is pretty neat. to conclude: Alba: A Wildlife Adventure is a cute and simple game without much mechanical depth, but one for a good cause. i think it's pretty easy to get behind, and definitely deserves to exist.

a very cute little educative game but i would say it's suited more towards children, i wish i had this kind of games to play when i was a kid... i would absolutely love it. but now as an adult, i would say it lacks many things - my biggest complaint being the lack of description / information on the guidebook. it would be amazing if every animal had their description (i think it should be a default with this kind of game, i thought i just didn't know where to check but turns out the option is simply not there) - this way we would be able to learn actually cool facts and possibly memorize them but the way it is in the game, i forgot about most of the birds 20 minutes after scanning them. one other thing that struck me as weird: there is no achievement for scanning every animal? i am not saying this is bad, it just felt like a different choice to me since i was 100% sure there would be an achievement for this from my previous gaming experiences. to end on a good note, the sound design was absolutely amazing and i loved learning about each animal's unique sounds!

Nice story, art and gameplay idea, but so much 'backtracking' reduced some of the fun