Reviews from

in the past

Weird and fun game, it's kinda like a story mode for a single WarioWare minigame, but with like 20 levels of difficulty instead of 3.

I wouldn't mind if the game was a few more hours long ; the base idea is solid and they had a lot of ideas for stupid stuff to cook with new mechanics everytime. I knew the game through Twitter and I was really pleasantly surprised to see that, behind the funny gifs, the game is actually that well designed.

A bit sad you can't really cook the chicken like on the artwork tho

This game is a bit like an art piece. Weird, vibey, maybe has a message?

It's silly, by design. And the gameplay challenge can be quite difficult. I tried to play on hard and simply didn't have the control to finish the game that way. It was fun to play with a mouse, and I imagine even more fun to stream.

I could see this being a really rad GDQ run, if not just a weird ~2 hour experience. Worth the price of admission.

Great atmosphere and writing made me laugh a bunch + it's cheap! Good game!

Does the one thing it sets out to do very very well along with a great soundtrack that keep the vibes up when the game gets harder (i beat the game before they added shadows to the ice cubes in the club level lmfao). The writing can be pretty funny and absurd at points which I think fits the games whole shtick pretty well.

challenging and inventive gameplay. unique, if bland at times, visuals. i did not particularly enjoy its humor. shelving right before completing the final challenge just because i dont have the motivation to finish it, but i might pick it back up. i followed the game dev for months anticipating its release and can appreciate the time and effort that went into the game. its core mechanics are tight and i see why many enjoy it, but it's just not my cup of tea.

its fun to cook an egg. Peak gaming

Coming back later to add some more thoughts:
- This game is frustrating on purpose, but does include an easy mode if you get too frustrated
- Much like flipping food in a frying pan in real life, its satisfying to figure out how to do it consistently but sometimes it goes poorly
- the writing is good. some all timer lines in here. Sometimes a character will do a weird little spasming animation while talking to them which is always a good time.

Cooked an egg and a cigarette together for the breakfast of champions

What if the Nintendo approach to level-design was implemented for an absurdist physics-based egg cooking game.

sometimes the dialogue feels too “randum XD” but sometimes its really funny and/or thought provoking? i love having my thoughts provoked because i’m kind of just mindlessly drifting the rest of the time, so then a funny thing happens in game and 1 or 2 neurons will fire off as i go “heh.”

This may be the most perfect length game i’ve played. Not in the way that I think more games should be movie length (or maybe yes actually) but moreso that this game is the exact right length for what the game needs. I did every cook request and talked to every npc (i think) and I felt so content. One more egg would’ve ruined the whole meal, One less egg would’ve left me hungry.

"When the beat drop"
"Kill yourself"

.ƚꙅɘɿɘvɘ ƚᴎuom ᴎo ᴎɿ ʞɔoɔ ʏɘʜƚ ǫᴎiʞoɿƚꙅ qu oʜW

1 egg drops onto the frying pan - yea
2 eggs on the frying pan - yeah aight for a guy like me
3 eggs on the pan? youre fucking pushing it pal. but i like that about you


You can indeed cook on top of the Everest

I was waiting for this game to came out because it looked cool in twitter. And damn oh damn, that blew my expectations

The basic idea of cooking stuff on your pan, making sure that nothing gets dropped on the floor, while flipping stuff is surprisingly deeply executed. All started with some eggs that you just need to flip for each side, but then you have many more new mechanics: bullets that explode and mess can throw away your food from the pan, cockroaches that try to escape, jumpy fish-y, cigarettes that serves as timer, and so on.... Incredibly unique and surprisingly very fun to control

The art is also really great. PsX, with some brutalism vibes with really amazing dialogue cut scenes. The cutscens from the night club are so fun! The game looks really good, and sounds as good as it looks

The story tho... Is super art-house vague type of deal. TBH i didn't get it, but there are some fun dialogues and overall world buildings seem pretty interesting

Anyway, great game, very unique experience. There is nothing like that. I wish I could run tho

time is a funny thing. everything dies, from your body to dreams to an entire species. even with a government-mandated fry pan in hand, ennui permeates the city. people are lost, but they are on the brink of contentment, enjoying the sonder and eccentricities of each other. the oppressive state takes body parts from you, puts you into servitude, and escape seems impossible. but some good food and a chat'll make the worst seem better. meeting new faces, pleasing their stomachs or boredom, making the most out of a dead planet, youll persevere to the end of the day even if it doesnt feel like itd happen.

go feed the saint of six stomachs some eggs and ask him for me, "can you fry eggs on top of mount everest?"

I wish I was better at playing Arctic Eggs. I tried with a controller for a while, and then also tried with a mouse, but I just found it way too frustrating. I played for almost four hours in total. I think I’m just really bad at it, and I’m not sure why.

I liked the vibe of the game, and the writing was hitting for me too. I would’ve loved to have seen it through if I hadn’t hit such a wall with the gameplay.

I played the ORIGINAL game jam version of this one and it was really cool im glad to see they fleshed it out into a full game because the setting and atmopshere was pretty peak. mouse econtrols took some time getting used to tho and there was some parts where it felt like sheer luck i managed to get through it

guy like me?
2 eggs, cooked on both sides

No doubt your milage will vary but some games just need to give you a short shot of weird ass vibes and leave.

I don't need sex
Government fucks me everyday

I didn't actually finish this today lol, it was about a week ago that I did, just logging it now. This was sooooo fucking good y'all, I adore games focused on funky controls like this, the kinda thing I wish the Wii had more of (this would actually be so good on a Wii motion plus controller). If you're into unique controls and equally unique settings and dialogue you'll be very very into this!

Simultaneously relaxed yet tense atmosphere. Fresh but easy to understand mechanics that are explored well but don't wear out their welcome. Very unique and easy to recommend to anyone.
Funny and often interesting writing that alludes to a larger story with most conversations, though I personally found it hard to discern a narrative that lives up to the complexity implied by the abstract dialogue. Regardless, still can't fault the worldbuilding even if it's not building up to much other than setting the scene and providing an excuse for the bizarre cast of characters and designs to exist, which are all excellent.

Pretty fun as a short-form experiment in video game absurdism. Solid vibes, doesn't overstay its welcome (prison bullshit gets close though). Writing is entertaining, but definitely skews just a bit too terminally online - the sort of unfiltered logged on internet writing that treads a fine line of occasionally feeling like we're recycling discarded drafts of a gimmick account's tweets. If we had at least a tiny bit of down to earth stuff, if only to counterbalance the rest and not feel like a one-trick pony, I think it would've gone a long way here.

Currently. Earth is undergoing a 180-degree transformation. In rougly 20 to 30 more years, this shift will be complete. Turning the Arctic into the new Antarctic, and possibly restoring a normal, albeit inverted, climate distribution.

"Can you fry an egg on Mount Everest?"

Truly unique and deeply funny, this was a trip to experience. The core gameplay loop of cooking eggs (and increasingly stranger things) has a QWOP-like wackiness to it that walks a tightrope between being rewarding and comical vs. just completely frustrating and usually succeeds. The writing bounces between hilarious, brutal, and downright incomprehensible, and it works in a way that I couldn't quite put my finger on. The world building is, I think, intentionally pretty fuzzy, which is both a blessing and a curse, but the PSX-style graphics and deeply janky animations give it a ton of charm and lets you fill in the blanks.

I do recommend playing with the sensitivity settings - playing on Steam Deck I found it really hard not to send things flying on the default sensitivity and had a lot more success once I turned that down a tick.

Went into it expecting an egg cooking simulator and left thinking deeply about the human condition

cooking mama meets blade runner. loved this lil game.