Reviews from

in the past

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AC: Pirates is a great mobile title with so many playstyles to keep it fresh and give the experience of a full Assassin's Creed title. From the map exploration, finding collectables, and ship warfare, the game is vast and fun.

Following Alonzo Batilla, a pirate during the Golden Age in the 18th Century who joins Samuel Bellamy & La Buse to find a Fragment of Eden and stop the Templar Order in the Bahamas led by Woodes Rogers. With hsitorical figures like Blackbeard also joining the fray, AC Pirates is a great expansion on the world building of AC IV: Black Flag.

I finished the story at 34 hours 24 minutes but left a lot of the side content to reach 100% synch for later as I had been playing the game over the last year and was ready to mark the story as complete. I plan on 100% to the best of my ability, but the version I have is broken in the Fishing mini game.