Reviews from

in the past

Did one run so far and received the first ending (?) and honestly enjoyed it quite a bit, very insteresting characters and world, one of those games that makes you want to watch a youtube analysis video to figure out what's going on, very cool atmosphere and soundtrack

Not typically a Roguelike guy but the rougelike mechanics in this game are simple enough for me to enjoy, gameplay is a but too simple hence why I'm taking a bit of a break, wish there was more weapon/level/enemy variety

Going to go for the rest of the endings and update my review accordingly but so far a 7/10

I had nightmares about this game so much.

Game has so many issues but my strange affinity for it never dies & I keep coming back. Would love to play the original Sega Saturn version someday

This is a remake of the Saturn/PSX original, and it's one of the weirdest remakes I've seen be done.

Gameplay is switched from 1st to 3rd person, areas are expanded and take way longer to go through, and fighting enemies with the bad attack animations is ugly, boring, and frustrating. Just about everything here is worse.
On top of that, the ambient noise soundtrack is replaced with mindnumbing techno loops that I had to mute after the second run.

But let's talk about the elephant in the room. The style change.
It goes for a different aesthetic, from "weird anime" to "generic anime".
Imagine waking up to find all Giger paintings look like Disney princesses.

Does it "miss the point"? Yeah, it's no longer scary.
Is it "completely different"? Kind of.
Does it "ruin the story?" No, because it's the same. It just has anime-er people tell it.

Changing "text on a black screen" to a proper cutscene just shows how bad it was in the first place, although the clunky animation certainly doesn't help.

The mystique from a lot of moments is removed, and the story is exposed as what it really is: a boring, messy, but slightly interesting ordeal.

The vibes are gone, the atmosphere is gone, and the fun-ish gameplay loop is gone, and those were the only redeeming things about the original.
So what's left?

Nothing but the story, being told properly.

And it still sucks.

This is a complete bastardization of the original.

If was not for the clunky and poor combat system this game would be 1000x better.

This game has an incredible presentation and art direction. The aesthetic os unique in a dark and horrendous way. Thanks to that every character has such interesting designs that follow interesting backstories.

Its a dungeon crawling with a twist, dying is what makes the story progress. With items you found on the dungeon you can make npc characters story progress and understand the world way better.

In conclusion, this game fails truly on the most important thing a game has, the Gameplay.

Tried this one just to see how the rest of the world initially got to experience Baroque and.... not as good. Funnily enough, the game one of the rawest openings in any video game I've ever seen but the gameplay is neutered along with the atmosphere. It takes an anime approach to human characters and instead of a first person view it's third person which totally removes the horror and original atmosphere entirely. Enemies went from looking grotesque and unnerving to goofy and really stupid. They don't translate well in 3D, at least in this game. They are also totally braindead man, the original was a damn hard game while this one is the polar opposite. It's weird to see this game like this after playing the masterpiece that was the original. It plays better mechanically but that's about it.