Reviews from

in the past

Tenían la posibilidad de hacer algo bueno, pero el efecto de el mapa apareciendo marea más que otra cosa, el personaje va a 1 mm/año, incluso en la parte que se supone que ya ve, se queda atrancada en cualquier lado y tras 1 hora no han hecho nada de nada con la buena idea. Fatal.

Really sweet and admirable - in theory - and sadly a bit of a punishing slog in practice. It's saved by being quite pretty and rocking up with a pretty devastating ending.

Beyond Eyes is a modern fairy tale about finding courage and friendship. Step by step, uncover an incredible world, carefully guiding Rae, a young blind girl, on a life changing journey.

Beyond Eyes is a unique and beautiful game. I really loved the premise of getting to unlock the watercolor world as Rae adventures out for the first time. You discover things might not be as Rae hears them, as you investigate further and go forward on the journey to find your cat friend, Nani. You conquer Rae's fears, explore a world she can only "see" through her other senses.

I get that Rae is blind and probably doesn't want to dart about anywhere for fear of bumping into something. I get that this game defines itself as a 'walking simulator', and I've enjoyed other games in the genre before, but the problem with this one is that it's just very very slow. The game has only a few hours of actual "gameplay", but its amplified by the fact that the main character walks everywhere really slowly, which then boosts the "gaming" hours.

Nevertheless, the game makes you feel things through the main character, like happiness, sorrow and fear. The Game has adorable animals and a colorful atmosphere. It has simple, yet soothing, soundtrack and it looks quite pretty. Taking all of this into consideration, I will recommend the game. Sadly it's not sold through steam anymore, but if you manage to get yourself a copy, it's worth playing through for sure!

A walking sim that tries to accurately portray blindness and fails. I'm legally blind. I appreciate their effort but it's not a fun game.

First off, this game is pretty.The watercolor graphics are nice. It controls fine. It does have a few good ideas. The whole noise system is neat. She hears something but doesn't know what it is. Only figures it out when she is close. Cute idea. Kind of accurate to real life.

So as I said, this is a walking sim. It's pretty much only walking. Painfully slow walking. I get it, she can't see and thus walks slow. But it's not fun.

Okay here is where I get real critical. The story. It's cute, but there are some major issues in terms of accuracy. I want to remind you, I'm legally blind.

First, this is like an 8 year old girl. Where are her parents? And why would any adult leave her unsupervised knowing she is blind. That's bad parenting.

Secondly, where is her cane? She should know how to use a cane as this point. She is 10 and as far as we know, she was born blind. As someone who uses a cane for their sight, it is beyond me, why she doesn't have one. If she would one, have more confidence walking around and two, not fall, trip and struggle so much.

Like I appreciate the devs tried to make a game about someone who is blind. I appreciate they tried to convey a blind person's experiences of the world. However, I don't feel like they spoke to anyone in the visually impaired community.

The game is soooo tedious with such an obvious story. A for effort but fails in most ways.

Yes it's a walking simulator. But it is oozing with style and charm, and managed to make me cry at the end.

Interesting indie game, short and emotionally impactful. Not much on the gameplay side of things but if your looking for a graphically pretty game and don't mind the slow pace of a walking sim then check it out.