Reviews from

in the past

The tutorial is confusing because it explains some mechanics in a way that makes them feel daunting when it's easy to understand them after a few games, and it doesn't explain other parts like the classes or the bonuses and what they do, so when you start your first game after the tutorial you feel lost again.
The gameplay definitely has potential, I just couldn't really get invested in it enough to continue playing after a few games. The score multiplier is quite small so it's hard to get a sense of how much you're earning per ball, and the roulette itself doesn't give enough time to actually register what's happened before the round's over imo. The different ball types are cool and the play vs. bet mechanic is a fun challenge, but I probably won't keep playing it unfortunately

eeeehh? like it's cool but it just ain't anything special

o fato de que eu ganhei sem NENHUMA aposta me faz gostar mais desse jogo

I don't know if it's the first ever, but it was my first "Balatro-like". Bingle Bingle is a roguelike which lies focus on roulette. I must admit, that I haven't played it much. But I've seen enough to say that I'm not the best target audience for it. I like the concept, I like the idea, but it hasn't enough content imo to keep me on track for a long time. It already bored me while I played the tutorial.

It has some nice ideas, but as I said, it wasn't enough for me. I'll stay with Balatro for the moment. I played it for like 1 hour and I felt like that I've seen a big part of the game. Sure I might be totally wrong, but I wasn't motivated enough to find it out tbh.

It's not that great. I've played better games but I've also played worse