Reviews from

in the past

man, the memories.
back when games actually had cool extras with them. i recall watching some episodes of the shows in this game, those being unlockables in this game. and thats actually really fucking cool.
also, im a big double dash fan so this kart racer already won for me with its 2 racer playstyle. being able to have the powerpuff girls and jonny bravo team up in a kart race? that was so cool to me.
i had a lot of fun with this racing game.
though i didnt play it since then so ill just not rate it at all. just big memories with this one.

The biggest piece of shit I have ever played. Collision detection is awful, there's no grace period after getting hit by something, the handling makes LJN's racing games look like the pinnacle of's just baaaad. Stay away from this game. Get Cartoon Network Speedway on the Game Boy Advance if you want a CN-themed kart racer. It is way way way way WAY better.

I mean...There's some fun to be had with hearing and seeing these classic characters interact but....I rather play Super Mario Kart than this.

Really thought the IPs of the shows here would help to keep me interested, but nah, it's just so boring and annoying that I don't feel a need to continue.

This would be a halfway decent kart racing game but it has one glaring problem- there seems to be no invincibility or grace period after being hit by an item. You can be hit by a barrage of three missiles and be spun out by each one of them. This makes every race look like the opening scene of Saving Private Ryan, which is funny at first but quickly becomes frustrating.