Reviews from

in the past

não é um remake ruim como todos dizem, mas varias coisas nele pioram em relação ao original mesmo, principalmente em relação à câmera.
mas ele tem algumas coisas boas também, como a música refeita e algumas salas feitas só pra esse remake e que não tem pro original

i get second hand embarrassment from the fact that an entire team of professionals managed to take something made by a single dude and make it look SO MUCH WORSE

It's Cave Story, but ugly.
Still a god-tier game.

Pretendia fazer uma análise detalhada sobre o jogo, mas não muito o que acrescentar depois do que falei na review do primeiro. A grande diferença dele já está no título, essa daqui é uma aventura de plataforma que dessa vez está com gráficos em 3D. A diferença está mais no visual artístico, que até que é bem transicionado, é um jogo bonito e para quem tem um 3DS, vale super a pena.

Minha Review do primeiro jogo:

This has a lot in common with the Mario & Luigi 3ds remakes except this game is like 100x worse. Or maybe its good idk I couldn't see anything when I was playing.
They moved the save point and health refiller in Santa's house but the map on the bottom screen still shows them in their original positions.
Also the music sucks really bad except for Eyes of Flame (the boss theme) that one sounds good but the rest of the music is terrible

Why this looks like a PS1 game?
Visuals were one of the things which held the original together, and it's completely lost there.
I don't really like the change, nothing about it says "remake" to me.

This game is soooooo ugly and the "original" mode just replaces some 3D models with a badly implemented and scaled 2D texture. Just play the free version from 2005

Je note la version 3d et pas le jeu en général.
Ce remake n'a pas vraiment d'intérêt, le gameplay est exactement le même et la 3d rend certains obstacles durs à voir.

No es para nada la mejor versión del juego, de hecho se me hacía imposible de jugar por el bajo contraste. Se lo regalé a alguien a quien quiero mucho, espero que lo cuide.

this version never really interested me to play more than an hour...

Why wasn’t this the original graphical style split into layers like the 3d Classics games? The 3d rendered graphics make things hard to parse visually. It’s still Cave Story though. If you had no other option to play the game, you still should and this would do the trick.

But the original pc release is freeware, so…

ok listen. ive heard so much hate for cave story 3d for like 10 years and i seriously just do not get it. of course, yes, it's an early 3DS game so it's gonna look a little rough, but i love the idea of reimagining each area to have these detailed, 3D environments and backgrounds, and really gives some context to some of the more abstract areas in cave story. daisuke amaya's pixel art is and forever will be beautiful, but a lot of the areas in the original cave story are just, well, caves. i think cave story 3D gives each area a little more personality, i especially like mimiga village and how they re contextualized the center tower as this big, wooden structure in the middle, covered in flowers 'n stuff. i'm also a big fan of the labyrinth, there's junk and debris scattered everywhere that gives it a sort of junkyard vibe that i really like. i will always die on this hill, people need to give cave story 3D a chance, it's a really cool take on an already great game

It's a clumsy version of Cave Story, but it's still a version of Cave Story. The stereoscopic 3D effect is really shitty.

Funny toaster man but this time with the worst aesthetic I've ever seen in my life

why would you do this to yourself and play this ugly ass version of the game

Graphically ugly, often too dark to see anything, and serious depth perception issues. Also has several bugs. Decent in a vacuum but it's the worst way to play what is otherwise an amazing game.