Reviews from

in the past

I tried this one and while the graphics were ok it's just felt like a much more money-hungry and cynical Disney "remake" #notmycp (cp stands for club penguin plssss)

This wasn't Club Penguin, this was a member's only party fest.

Awful game.

They took down a masterpiece of a game only to replace it with this shit. I still feel betrayed to this day.

Better than mobile ver. but still not great.


didn’t enjoy the experience.

Disney fucking murdered on this franchise and left its bloody corpse in the open for all to see.

uma heresia. O jogo era ate bonito, mas muito pay 2 everything e quando lançou era só pra telefone na vertical, não rodava bem no meu cell e era ruim de jogar. e claro, ele tentou substituir o GOAT

This just didn't need to exist, or at least didn't need to replace the original.