Reviews from

in the past

I’ve beaten the boss twice and each time, I feel like a god.

The music is brilliant and the art is cute and the writing is really funny and the conceit feels right for the gameplay.

i am compelled to play all the slay the spire clones for some reason. this one's cute and in space which is basically all i've been asking for from this genre

While it's a bit more shallow mechanically than deck builders like Slay the Spire or Monster Train, Cobalt Core makes up for it with charm, great writing, and some interesting ship mechanic variety. Each character has a lot of fun clever dialogue and enough card variety to make each run unique. While it felt a bit repetitive to get all of the memories and unlock the final ending, the finale is really cool and worth the time required.

very fun roguelike deckbuilder with great soundtrack and vibes, took me a while to complete a run especially since i'm new to the genre but it's very entertaining

More enjoyable game design than Slay the Spire, more personality and character, less visual and audio design polish. Very enjoyable. This might be my new morning game for a while.

tres cool, des mecaniques jamais vu

"It reminds me so much of Slay the Spire" is both such a compliment; but so - so high of expectations. Yes, Cobalt Core is a roguelike deck builder with multiple classes. No, it's unforutnatly not the pinical of the genera like the aforementioned Spire Slaying game.

Cobalt core is fun. It's cute. There is a lot of replayability because at it's core you get to mix and match three crew members to start your run. These three crew members make up what cards are in your deck. So you can select your favorite character's mechanic and integrate them with others in unique, fun, and highly replayable ways. The replayability is good, because if you want to get to the credits you have to win 18 runs.

God of War Valhalla? 4 runs.
Hades? 10 runs.
Cobalt Core? 18. EIGHT. TEEN. It's, a lot. If you're not super into it.

In addition to mixing and matching your crew, there are 5 unique ships each with unique mechanics to set out on your journey with.

I loved the world and the characters and the new take on the genera. It's good. Not every game has to be the best. But it has some flaws from keeping it in the same tier as the others.

5 Stars baybee. Furry Slay The Spire made me cry with the power of friendship.

hardest shopkeeper in a roguelike but i found an infinite

Well, I don't see any problem in it?

Hews extremely close to Slay the Spire's formula, but that is hardly an insult. Presentation is a big step up from the last one of theirs I played. Everything loads instantly, bags of character, and there are dozens of mechanics to bite into.