Reviews from

in the past

Stunningly beautiful game that feels less like a new entry and more like an altered version of its predecessor.

I feel like the devs caught flak for CMR 3 and decided to take the same game and make it more "normal". The career mode no longer tries to be uber-immersive and settles for more or less the same formula we saw in the first two games. All the mechanical tweaking is again explained for idiots like me, so that makes the career more playable for me.

I feel like the handling is slightly different. I might be mistaken about this, but I don't remember cars being this slippery in the previous game. This one felt much more arcady in this regard, allowing me to pull off long drifts (not to the ridiculous degree of Sega Rally 2, but still more than I would've expected).

Sadly, still no arcade mode. I feel like it's never making a comeback, which sucks.

The overall impression I got from this game is that it positions itself somewhere between CMR 2 and 3. Or rather it's a 2-ified version of 3. Which is unfortunate because that makes this game less interesting to me. As a fan of arcade racing, I'd much rather play CMR 2, but CMR 3 was quite a unique experience. This one doesn't really stand out in any way. That being said, I did have more fun with it than 3, mainly because it's very straight-forward and accessible. Both games still have solid gameplay and great graphics, so I wouldn't really say 4 is worse than 3 either.

This game feels like a remix. Even its presentation is very similar to its predecessor, almost to the point of being the same. It kinda reminds me of Doom 3 BFG Edition, which a lot of people hated, but I found neither better nor worse than the original version. Just a slightly different and rebalanced take on the same game.

Qui n'a jamais rêvé de rouler des rallyes, avec son copilote qui nous hurles des indications ?
Bon jeu, encore plus si vous aviez le luxe de vous payer un volant adapté 👍
Mon daron toujours trop fort à ce jeu