Reviews from

in the past

A well done start to a great series, even if the characters weren't quite as likable as in later installments

"No, that's wrong!" - Makoto "eggy boi" Naegi, Ultimate Lucky Student, 2010.

Visual Novels were always something I passed off as a boring or cliche thing. Then I saw what Danganronpa was all about and wanted to give a shot. This game (along with the followups) are trip and then some. The story kept me pretty hooked, I digged the atmosphere of locales within Hope's Peak, the artstyle is one of my favorites with how it looks like a pop-up book (and a dark one at that), the music hits hard, and the trial segments are a blast to shoot through. It is a linear story, but the core mystery behind the killing game is a fun one to unravel. And literally shooting evidence at contradictions will never not be satisfying. Definitely one of the kind of games that is best experience blind. Also, don't get too attached to anyone...unless your playing School Mode that is.

História ácida que provoca o jogador a tentar entender a mente pertubada de cada um dos personagens, além de ser envolvente e cativante a ponto de te deixar pulando da cadeira, com um sistema de combate inovador e bacana

Danganronpa is a very interesting and unusual action novel with a rather killer plot. The characters are well written for the situation they find themselves in. In fact, for fans of investigations and this genre, the game is recommended for completion.

Данганронпа очень интересная и необычная экшн новелла с довольно убийственным сюжетом. Персонажи неплохо прописаны для той ситуации в которую они попали. Собственно любителям расследований и около такого жанра игра рекомендованна к прохождению.

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Junko is iconic for a reason.

Sakura best character

Bom jogo, detesto todos os personagens. Jamais jogarei o 2 mas foi uma boa experiência.

O jogo que me introduziu pra essa trilogia que sempre terá um lugar guardado no meu coração, mistérios bem gostosinhos de se resolver, trilha sonora muito marcante e ótimo plot no final . Recomendo pra quem já curte visual novel e não se incomoda com bastante texto

After falling in love with Ace Attorney, I saw some people on reddit say that Danganronpa was the next step and a better series.

And it did scratch an itch but didn't live up to my Ace Attorney hopes and dreams. I enjoyed it a lot and the overarching mystery is buckwild lol. But I don't think it had the same writing quality as Ace Attorney and lacked the twists and turns that made me giggle in my room at 1am like Mr Phoenix Wright did.

Vim enrolando uns anos pra zerar esse jogo, finalmente chego no final e vejo o quanto recebi uma experiência divertidíssima. A trilha sonora é muito boa e combina bem com o que o jogo quer passar, os personagens principalmente são muito legais, alguns meio chatinhos e completamente bobinhos mas a maioria senti uma boa falta como um velho amigo após o término do visual novel. Mas o que mais impressiona é a série de investigações interessantes e bem pensadas em sua maioria e a dúvida constante pelo misterioso ambiente onde os personagens se encontram e seus objetivos nele. Impossível esquecer do majestoso plot twist do final do jogo, que o vira completamente de cabeça pra baixo, mudando, em pleno final, toda a noção do jogador sobre a história muito bem escrita do game. Agora, se eu tiver de reclamar, diria que algumas partes são meio arrastadas, mas nada a nível de drop, é bem consistente, apesar de tudo.

A genuinely 'punk' experience, 'Trigger Happy Havoc' is an exhilarating combination of gameplay styles in service of a rock solid mystery story. I think the closest point of comparison is '999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors, Nine,' that first visual novel wherein a group of strangers are forced, by an unknown entity, to participate in a life or death game to escape entrapment. But 'THH' is more bizarre. Scrappier. More...dangerous feeling. I'm late to come around to this series, but I'm settling in. This struck all the right notes with me.

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sakura melhor personagem, F

Story was really fun to go through, but the characters in this game in general weren't very good minus a few people. The 2nd game does this better but I think this game has the better story for sure

had fun at various points, but danganronpa is not a good series lol. i think the characters & their interactions and the overall plot are where this game stands out. cases, writing, and gameplay are weak

Oozes atmosphere and charm. Interesting characters and the art style holds up well. There’s a great sense of dread while exploring the academy.

The plot goes off the rails near the end. It wants some beats to be both totally unexplained and impactful, which didn’t land for me. Overall, I enjoyed it and will play the second game someday.

прошел с удовольствием!

необычная и супер стильная визуальная новелла с интересным геймплеем.

перформанс на свиче неожиданно подкачал... камон игра с псп?? микрофризы на свиче??? почему?????

пара судов были meh (особенно третий), но играть было крайне интересно! исследование, диалоги, персонажи, музыка, геймплей в class trial и вообще сюжет - очень хорошо.

не терпится поиграть в остальные


Although being the beginning of the series and is therefore a bit obvious in some cases, it's still an amazing game.

This was so fun holy shit. From characters, music, artstyle, atmosphere. It's starts simple and tame, but stakes keep rising steadily and the trial game mechanics have to be the most unique aspect of this.

kirigiri save me…kirigiri…save me kyoko kirigiri

At first I started playing this so I could have something to do during my down time at work. It ended up sucking me in completely for an entire week. It fills the niche of a Rated T-M Ace Attorney game. Also surprised it was much less cringey than what I was expecting it to be! Pleasantly surprised by this VN.

Pretty fun, despite its cringe fanbase. Very over the top characterization and story beats, but always managed to keep me interested.

Wow. Very impressed, I’ve never played a game like this before. Love the characters, the writing. Was constantly surprised about the directions they took. Long, but worth it. Excited to start #2.

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One of the best visual novels I've played in a long time
The whole...cough Sexualizing of Minors and Maybe Transphobia is why it's not 5 stars
It's definetly a relic of 2010 I'll tell ya that, and a warning for what's to come
I'd still reccomend just take it with a grain of salt

Jogar Danganronpa foi uma experiência bem agradável, tanto pelo cast, quanto pelo estilo e pela variedade de gameplay nos casos, os mistérios são bem contados, mesmo que engessados às vezes.

Música favorita: Dangan Ronpa!
Personagem favorito: Aoi Asahina / Kyoko Kirigiri

Woah what.

No seriously what happened I didn't get it

Anyways, really sick fucking visual novel where the parts with actual gameplay actually have a decent bit of difficulty put into it, an amazing artstyle and soundtrack, it has so much style I'm okay with ignoring the blatant fanservice (I actually like it)

Honestly? Fuck it, this is a classic, play it.

Danganronpa's style, themes and intriguing storyline (that is paced quite well and always leave you curious) manages to shine despite some awkward moments when it comes to the character's writing and how it spoon-feeds you the mysteries.
Overall, a Satisfying story with stupidly fun characters that i couldn't put down

I bought this game on sale as I was only familiar with the 3rd game partially and while I enjoyed the narrative and piecing together the cases, the pacing of the game dragged for me. Maybe it's because the characters that stuck around I really didn't care for (With the exception of one), maybe the trials went on a bit too long. I got the other games at the same time, so I think I'll have to space these out just so I don't feel burnt out by them. I enjoyed it for what it was.