Reviews from

in the past

Review EN/PTBR

I don't understand how this isn't free.


Não entendo como isso já não é algo free.

its okay to play but there are probably 100 games that came out in the 90s that crush this, I think its fun as a tie in from Dead island if you really dig the franchise, but there are just too many games in this genre that are better than this content.

To preface this review I went into Dead Island Retro Revenge knowing that it was a minigame spin-off, not a true Dead Island experience.
Despite that, I was still disappointed with the game I paid $0.99 for.
Dead Island Retro Revenge is, for all intents and purposes, a Streets of Rage clone made by people who fail to understand what goes into a game like that.
Combat and movement feel stiff beyond belief and none of the moves are satisfying to pull off. While games in this genre are known for being fairly difficult most of the time, Retro Revenge isn't hard because of any unique game design, but rather because of how broken the game is.
Your attacks often won't hit due to the game's shoddy hit detection, and enemies will find ways to land attacks that should have missed due to the same system. These glitches, mixed with a bland achievement system and clunky controls, make Dead Island Retro Revenge an unfun slog to play through.
Avoid this game, even if you have the chance to get it for $0.99 like I did.

Boring. There are better side-scrolling beat-em-ups out there.