Reviews from

in the past

Episode 3 kind of drags but the first two episodes are very fun

Better than the base game holy shit

Extremely impressive as a fan made mod and one done by just one person, lots of great levels but most are a little too big. The novelty of the homage levels (Alien, Aliens, Silent Hill, The Thing etc) sadly wears thin by the halfway point.

The best Blood related thing you can play at the moment, feels true to the base game while also improving on basically everything.

Every level feels memorable and does a great job of being a faithful homage of the horror movie/game that it's trying to reference in a way that feels like it shouldn't even be possible in the build engine. It's good enough to be a standalone game and to me this is the true Blood sequel.

It's all of Blood's strengths and more. Pushes the Build engine further than anything short of Ion Fury. It's just incredible what they pull off in here, not least of all a convoy level where you're hopping from fast moving ship to fast moving ship as you take out cultists.

Enough good can't be said about this. It is straight-up the best Blood game. It surpasses the already excellent original. I can't recommend it highly enough.