Reviews from

in the past

I’m a big proponent of the idea that Dragon Age should be much more linear than Inquisition was. I think 2 maybe overstepped on that but Origins was the perfect mix between open and engaging without stuffing in 20 hours of grinding inconsequential side quests between story beats. However, I just can’t say this was very intriguing. Mostly, I was doing it to get to Trespasser.

I love dwarves, and the new black-haired dwarf character is hot, but as an expansion this is simply a bunch of fighting with not much else, it's not what I'm looking for in these games.

A straightforward dungeon crawling expansion that is only really worthwhile as an excuse to spend more time with combat.
+ fairly challenging fights rewarding unique gear
+ intense spelunking atmosphere
- monotonous environments with few memorable points of interest
- dull storyline that just tapers off