Reviews from

in the past

Koei has this problem where they think that bigger always means better, and a lot of the time (with them, at least), it's really not. Making an open-ish world for you to run around in is neat but it also feels like it's entirely just padding; this is especially prevalent at the end of the game where you have to run through parts of the world again without the ability to fast travel just to get to the last few missions. Also you can't take shortcuts. Or go back to shop/heal/save or else you'd need to run all the way back.

character movesets doesn't feel like they're really all that balanced, and the fact that Carver can mow down even the final boss fairly quickly is the best example of this. But that's one way to get around how much damage the enemies seem to be able to absorb.

honestly, if you want to play either of them, go play the first Dragon Quest Heroes instead of this one. It doesn't have some of the characters and some enemies can be even more damage sponge-y in that game than in this one, but the story and writing feels much better (somehow, considering how repetitive it can be at times) and the lack of the open world makes it feel snappier and easier to actually get through

it kinda feels like Koei is conflicted between wanting to make musou games and being too embarrassed to make musou games, and this game, more than any they've done, feels like it has no real idea what it wants to be

I always found the Dragon Quest series to be particularly charming, but I couldn't commit to finishing a mainline game because I wasn't a big fan of JRPG's. As Heroes 2 was more of an action RPG, I found myself getting comfortable with it quite quickly, and it's just the kind of ARPG I find myself favoring: field areas where you could explore, battlefields which were less exploration and more combat focused, and instanced story missions which you could replay. It's very accessible, and for someone who, like me, finds the series charming but can't get into the mainline games, this one could be a good starting point to ease things along.

Colorido , divertido, con la banda sonora clasica, batallas rapidas e interactivas! Y mucho por hacer!

- character and monster designs are detailed and well-animated
- consistent frame rate in both standard and enhanced mode
- charming and likeable cast of characters
- story missions possess an adequate amount of variety, preventing the overall game from becoming too monotonous
- boss battles are frequently challenging and exciting
- vocations provide Lazarel and Teresa choices for both playstyle and role
- monster medals have been improved by introducing a third type that transforms any character into that monster, temporarily granting access to an assortment of new abilities

- reused animations for all returning characters from the original Dragon Quest Heroes
- invisible walls occasionally obstruct the player in unusual locations
- forgettable soundtrack, comprised of an excessive amount of reused tracks from previous Dragon Quest games
- mostly uninteresting and predictable main story
- several side quests involve obnoxious conditions; the most egregious being those that request defeating a bulky enemy with a specific ability
- AI-controlled characters are unable to handle certain mechanics and generally avoid using damage-dealing abilities, causing some battles to be unnecessarily frustrating and overly drawn-out
- some playable characters are underwhelming in terms of performance; particularly Torneko and Ruff
- experience and gold obtained from enemies are insufficient, which discourages the usage of different characters and vocations
- upgrading accessories requires an inordinate amount of grinding for insignificant stat boosts

I do love most DQ games. And there were a few Musou games that I enjoyed so I thought this could satisfy my needs for more DQ and technically it is that but I just can not indulge myself in this gameplay.

I decided to give up during the boss rush near the end due to the amount of balancing issues and it started wearing me off the game. I kind of understand why people might like this one more than the first game: It has more characters, classes, and an open world to explore, but I actually felt more entertained by the first rather then this one.

Completed everything except for the hardest dungeons. Maxed out every character except for most of the main 2 characters vocations.

The platinum trophy was absolute hell, but I really enjoyed the game.

Me gusta mucho el estilo hack and Slash en un juego de la saga de dragon quest, creo que encaja muy bien con el mundo, y el juego es muy entretenido. Llega un punto en el que puede resultar un poco repetitivo, pero lo que me molestó realmente fue el no poder utilizar personajes especiales como Psaro en la historia del juego, solo en las mazmorras.

100%ed this. DONT do that to yourself. Feels worse than the first to me? I think its just that the magic had worn off by the time this came out

Não é um jogo ruim mas o tipo dele não faz o meu

I like the first Heroes more since this is more of a regular Dragon Quest game with action combat and occasional musou stages, but it's still pretty decent.

An enjoyable dragon quest experience with some stumbles along the way.

I really enjoyed the integration of multiple JRPG elements from the dragon quest games into a hack n slash format . The enemies, abilities, equipment, classes, exploration, etc, all blended and translated well as a hack n slash game. Can't also forget to mention the character designs and banging soundtrack. It was super easy for me to be immersed into another dragon quest adventure.

However, it does have its shortcomings compared to the best of the best DQ has to offer. While the "stages" in this game tended to offer a good amount of excitement, it had some weird balancing issues. The stages would be either very fun and well paced, to having maps far too big that made traversing all around tedious or having super spongy bosses. Sometimes the stages were too easy to be entertaining, others it would be just right, and other times punishing. Having to do an stage entirely over because you couldn't rescue someone because it took forever to traverse from the other side of the map wasn't a good feeling. The story was also nothing noteworthy either.

This was still a fun good time. I'm definitely thinking about visiting some other DQ entries because I've found it very easy to get immersed in this franchise.