Reviews from

in the past

A game that excels at delivering the unexpected. It's a shoot 'em up crossed with a twin stick shooter with a focus on puzzles over reflexes. Mechanics change often - often within the same level - and I think there's thirty-five levels and seven boss fights. I delighted in how these changes were visually communicated and how tightly designed they were. There's often just enough time to react, then work things out, then embrace the new structure, and then bam it's time to adapt again.

While its mechanics are inspired, the music and art aren't worth much mention. Anything that could be mentioned as plot is nonsensical. Oddly, my thoughts on those things don't matter much to me. Playing Eigengrau is more about having fun and basking in varied and well-executed game mechanics than anything else.

Twinstick shmup for the clinically insane. It throws out new ideas and twists at a blistering pace, I almost wish they gave some concepts a bit more time to marinate before moving on to the next thing. Visuals and audio are a bit basic, but everything is clear and readable so I don't mind too much, what they service is fantastic.

é bem bom, mas sem vontade de ir tentar o final verdadeiro

Extremely clever. This is a shmup with ideas and a lot of them. If you like when Touhou bosses suddenly throw weird puzzley curveballs at you, like constraining your movement or making you engage with some Level Design during a boss fight, this is a whole game doing that, constantly.

System Erasure had a whole thread of shmup recommendations, most of which I'd already played and they absolutely kicked ass. So, I picked up one of the couple I had not played, trusting that it would also kick ass.

Reader, it kicked ass.

Eigengrau is in no way a """traditional""" shooter, and could easily spark arguments I don't care about regarding what counts as a shmup (I don't care if you're talking about this game. If you count Star Fox I'll get into a fistfight over it) and might be more like a twin-stick shooter except it's not one of those either. You can shoot in four directions is what I'm saying. The game is broken up into a normal number of levels, and each of those levels has 6 subsections: the first five all have some kind of gimmick. A twist on the controls? Some new kind of obstacle? A particular kind of enemy? One of the joys of Eigengrau is that you really never know what's going to happen in the next 60 seconds, and it's always entertaining when you find out. The sixth substage in each group is a boss, which serves as an exam on all the gimmicks you were just introduced to. It reminds me of some bad games I made in Game Maker Studio 1 some years back, which adds to my sunny opinion on the thing.

The visuals are just serviceable, and there's not a lot of real oomph in the presentation. No real plot here. The soundtrack is great, though, and you can interact with the game all at once like an arcade game, or piece by piece. Each substage has one or more special goals to achieve, which seem to unlock a few new weapons and features once you get enough.

Eigengrau is just great, and I only really shy away from calling it a real shmup because I know people who are shy of shmups who would still love this. It's an action game for people who like their action games to have lots of bite-sized nooks and crannys to explore. The kind of joy you can only get when you're not tied to anything less abstract than "I dunno, spaceships? shapes?" for your flavor. A video gamer's video game. Great stuff.

At heart a 2D shooter with a 90 degree rotation gimmick and some puzzle elements. But with twists on level design that makes the gimmicks in Treasure's shmups look pedestrian. Try to go in without any spoilers if you can. A simple but clean presentation carries it through well.
Kind of a god tier game at what it seems to set out to do. Has a clear score attack focus for replayability as well.

There are a bunch of modes and settings for all player levels. e.g. Hard mode has challenging bullet patterns for fans of the genre. I'm not sure if I want to know how co-op mode works..

Some small gripes from my initial playtime: I wish I could map two shot buttons (one for tap/rapid, one for held/slow) when using Original/Traditional controls. I prefer having these on split keys and often resort to external tools if a game doesn't have it.

The player ship feels a tiny bit slow especially during focus shot. But almost everything does seem well designed around the current speed.

I didn't find the secret item collection 'minigame' fun to do. But it's not necessary for playing through the game. At best it's a reaction check (where you probably take damage intentionally) and at worst a memorization challenge for where each one appears.