Reviews from

in the past

vou ser honesta esse jogo era mais legal quando eu tinha 12 anos

met some of my closest friends through this game and i still play it to this day despite it having THE MOST predatory monetization practices ive ever seen

alot of memories and met one of my best friends in it, but very p2w

No matter what I do I will never forget Elsword, maybe it is due to its cool and fast paced combat, or for its cool character designs.

Despite being so unique, the game is quite unplayable and super pay to win nowadays :(

Eu joguei esse jogo de 2016~2023. O jogo mudou MUUUUITO ao decorrer da vida dele. O jogo começou bem divertido, apesar da KOG fazer bastante cagada. Mas ao decorrer do tempo o jogo ficou cada vez mais entediante e chato, sem falar no grinding absurdo que esse jogo te obriga a fazer. Tem vários motivos do porque eu odeio esse jogo hoje em dia.

back then my tolerance for bad games was so much higher it seems

however i can't deny that the designs for some of these characters resonated so so much with me as i was growing up and i find myself thinking about them even today

this game............... kinda sucked, tbh

I still played a decent amount of it though LOL rena my beloved

thought it looked cool then i played it

Eve serving bob and robot extravaganza realness... that's a mother for sure

En mettant le coté pay-to-win du jeu.

Un style de combat toujours aussi dynamique.
Des décors qui se sont améliorer au fil du temps (même si les décors ne sont pas en haute définition mais c'est pour éviter les lags par rapport au dps (+ de 5 millions de dps/secondes))
Design des personnages plutôt sympa
Une excellente bande-son !

I used to play this so much.

cute artstyle game i was obsessed with as a kid and surprisingly competent MMORPG with satisfying gameplay

Con razón le veía algo raro, es de Nexon XD
Lo disfruté con un amigo, solo por eso valió la pena, de resto, no creo que lo haya disfrutado igual

Deuxième mmo joué dans ma carrière, cash grab mais très intéréssant dans son domaine, de la 2D avec un système de classe, un bon lore.

One of my first mmorpg, I don't think it currently lives up to its competition, but I really enjoyed playing it with a friend and it brings back good memories.

I haven't played this game in literally years and I dont think I could remember anything about it but I REALLY fucked with that Dookieshed video which I think might be lost media

it fell off so damn bad. super unique mmorpg at one point but those times did not last

Be me, bout 14 years old, see elsword "damn this game is perfect for me" boot up game and choose white haired edgelord, don't pay attention to the story, progress till about level 20, get my next class, level up further, eventually get bored and stop playing. Come back sometime later, completely naked, check inventory, clothes aren't there.

The one thing elsword shouldn't do, is take away the kick-ass costumes, I've heard that apparently they've got some insane stats and would be op, but they couldn't just... Make the armor do that and not the outfit? Then take the armor away? So I'm not left in my underwear?

Apparently it's so predatory so it's probably for the best that I stopped playing it.

Com o fim dos servidores originais de Grand Chase, acabei migrando para o Elsword, mas confesso que não me conquistou tanto. Não gostei, especialmente, do PVP.

KMMO moment. really awesome combat though!

I can't believe they killed Grand Chase in favour of this piece of crap.

Used to grind this game so hard but never got far because all I did was make new characters

eles querem tanto ser grand chase......

Fun grind, but never got into the end game.

my ex loved this game and we used to play it alot. She fucking sucks so 0/10

It was fun but, balancing became a problem