Reviews from

in the past

A pretty decent lesser known old school boomer shooter, Eradicator lets you pick between three characters, but aside from some stat differences, their starting weapons, and unique prologue chapters, the game's mostly the same so I don't feel like replaying it with the other characters having played Eleena, the alien catgirl mercenary. What's interesting is that it’s not a really combat focused FPS at all which makes it rather unique, while there are still a bunch of enemies in each level, most of the maps have puzzles to solve and missions to achieve like blowing up generators and the like. None of the levels even come close to reaching a triple digit enemy count unlike other shooters at the time and even throwback FPSes now. I beat the game without using a guide so while the game has some of that obtuseness in how to progress at times it’s not a real detriment at all, it’s not nearly as bad as Duke 3D or Rise of the Triad in that regard.

There’s a large arsenal of weapons, so much so that it actually exceeds being able to just use the top numbers on the keyboard unlike most FPSes which is rather clunky as the game predated the concept of weapon wheels so I just set my middle mouse button to be next weapon so I can access them easier after hitting 0. Most of the weapons are good but I tended to not use the later ones as it seemed ammo was a bit harder to find, so I saved them for the boss fights. The enemy variety isn’t too great though, as there’s only a couple of alien enemy types and a couple of turret types. Level design is mostly fine, though it does have the problem of thinking it’s a platformer at times and the game is rather too slippery for that, but nothing some saving can’t alleviate.

The Steam version running through DOSbox is rather buggy at times, I had a few COTDs due to certain weapons, I got stuck in a wall once, and the game crashes at the ending cinematic. Nothing too major though, just make sure to rotate some saves every once in a while. Eradicator definitely deserves a Night Dive remaster if at all possible.

Eradicator is not a great game, but it has some neat ideas and I definitely enjoyed my time with it and would recommend it for fans of the genre that want to play something a bit more under the radar and deserves some more love.

Eradicator is such an underrated 90s FPS!

It got overshadowed by Duke Nukem and Shadow Warrior's success. This one is equally good!

Eradicator lets you play in first-person or third-person, it's your choice! We have 3 characters to play as (a 4th one is unlocked after the game's completion). There are also some enemies/explosives that can be controlled remotely, which I found pretty fun.

The only two problems with this game are one - it crashes after the final cinematic, - and two - in some levels, you might get stuck in walls, so I'd suggest the usage of the No Clip cheat or reloading the last save.