Reviews from

in the past

I've been accompanying this game on YouTube even before it was released (fellow Fancy subscriber here), and since then, I've been looking forward to playing this game.

I already enjoy the game in its current state and will be waiting for more levels, for sure! I have fun even in solo mode. That party level where we have to be stealthy is kinda unnerving, tho. I still need to play more of this game, but keep up the good work!

UPDATE: The game has now more levels to play, as well as a sanity system. Also, my girlfriend gave the game a second chance, and we both played with a friend of ours. I can finally say that the co-op experience is much better than solo!

The best Backrooms game out there. This dev has serious love for the Backrooms and it shows in the game. You can tell the amount of work and passion he has put into this project and making it a truly "terrifying" adventure.

I will say this game does have its issues with the massive amount of body blocking when playing with friends, a buggy voice chat system in game, and the AI of entities that are just camping corners waiting for you... Overall though, this game is fire.

Biz bu yola baş koymuşuz kardeş.

This game is fun with friends for the first couple of hours but becomes very irritating very quickly. It's not very scary, and the further you go in and play the more tedious it becomes. Being able to laugh with your friends about it is the best part of it.

This game is annoying and not enjoyable at many points. Horror is frequently substituted for irritation. Atmosphere is well executed at point but gameplay flounders

It's super fun when you play this game with your friends, the models are a little bit weird but I guess that is the intention for the entities, not super espectacular but it serves its purpose

In my opinion its very good horror. Its not too little scary, but not too much. It has survival features, like sanity bar. There's a lot of levels, each one is unique. but the levels are made very poorly. A lot of annoying and irritating mechanics. The game just expects you to know what to do.

Pas fou. Tu prends les backrooms, tu rends ca pas flippant, et tu mets des monstres qui ont tous les memes mechaniques, tu mets des environnements connu et cools, et voilà;

Ce ne sont pas les backrooms que j'aime.

Hate des prochaines versions par contre !

bastante completo pero hay mejores

Jogar CO-OP é muito divertido e os puzzles são bem intuitivos (exceto o da fase dos cachorros), apesar de alguns bugs e da curta duração o jogo é muito divertido.
Estou ansioso para as próximas fases e atualizações

köpekli bölümün allah belasını versin

Only fun with friends. Otherwise, this game is plain.

Ben ça pue hein qu'est ce que vous voulez que je vous dise moi

Fun with friends. Couldn't imagine enjoying it by myself.

tanto q ri com esse jogo vsfd

Playing with friends is definitely this games only real strong suit. That being said the Soundtrack is actually really good and the newer levels lately have been a lot more fun (Well, some of them at least). The Dark Poolrooms level was pretty fun!

Escape the Backrooms was a fun co-op experience that rocked my socks off, but came up too short in terms of being a fleshed out experience for me. I give Escape the Backrooms a 6!

Gameplay: 5
Graphics: 8
Story: 5
Characters: -
Playtime: 3 hours
Deaths: 5

I know it is a product of "developer's love", but the game is unplayable at times - computers don't work, characters glitches, enemies are just stupid. Having said all that, if you have 3 friends with no respect to their time and money, you will have a real blast with the Backrooms!

It started off really fun and scary with friends, later levels were just walking for 5 minutes and get jumped once.

horror never usually phases me too much and i love the backrooms lore but this was actually too terrifying and the mechanics were annoying so i had to stop playing 😭

i believe this game is still being built/expanded on so might give it another go in the future

Coming fresh off of beating this game with a group of friends. It was interesting seeing what the hype was about a couple of years ago, but I feel like a lot of the game was more frustrating than scary. I died a lot so I didn't accomplish much lmao

Awful AI, sound design, and visuals. VHS fx is cool but about the only thing good I can say about this game.

The Backrooms have definitely had their moment in video games over the last few years. Escape the Backrooms is definitely coming from a place of love, especially if you sit down and watch Fancy's various YouTube videos breaking down the development. The game itself is a hodgepodge of loosely strung together ideas- some of which are really fun and others aren't the best designed and might give you a bit of a headache. Overall though, there's so much variety here that with a friend we were always discovering something new and having a good time overall as we made our way through each of the levels. This game is still expanding so I'm curious how it will evolve over the next few years and how it will ultimately shape up. For now it's a very soft recommendation.

Met the creator on twitch, seemed nice enough and the game is pretty good, keep going back to it


So... I like this game, as I tend to enjoy most Backrooms media, though it has things pulling me in opposite directions.

I wanna stress this is an early access game, and I very much have that in mind when reviewing it and doing so with the hopes it can turn out as good as it possibly can.

The first chase scene spilling over into that balancing section was excellent, and had my heart pounding as well as creating a purpose for me to quickly use the balancing/peeking mechanism, I like that.

I also really like how the entities and levels are designed, they feel significantly faithful to the Backrooms lore while shedding a lot of the PG crap that came with the 'mainstreamification' of the lore itself.

I also am very excited to try it out with friends and my sister at a later time, since we're all quite invested in the lore.

However... there's a lot holding it back. I'll start with the minor stuff. auto-equipping picked up items is a bit annoying, as I'd rather put them in my inventory and take them out if I need to. Also the inventory itself and the way you move/use items is a bit odd and could use some retooling.

The more severe downsides however, come from the unavoidable nature of some of the entities. Hiding from them, at least as far as I can tell, is not possible, and your character also runs very slowly, to the point of barely outpacing the entities. While running from danger your stamina isn't capped, but when it is capped, it is very very low, and not very good.

The sanity meter is also not very well defined and could use some extra numeric clarification as to where your sanity is at.

Apart from that, it's also just slightly janky and glitchy, most notably with the keypad in Level 1, it took a few tries for my clicks to register on the buttons.

Promising beginnings, and I may amend my score to a 7/10 depending on how fun the multiplayer is, and given that the game seems designed around it, that seems likely.

2/5 stars on Google Reviews; was relaxing in my lovely backrooms experience but some guy kept emerging from the shadows, coughing, and then attacking me!!! Do not come here unless you can run!!

It really is fun with friends