Reviews from

in the past

Pretty good, very spooky, can barely get past the first level.

Insanely fun with friends with great graphics. character models need fixing and so do some entities and some levels just need to be reworked overall

Es una verga pero me lo regalaron asi que no hay drama

silly and spooky. has bugs but still was a good time with friends

too fun if you play with friends ı finished it for 5 - 6 times now

Escape the Backrooms is one of multiple games to be created after the backrooms urban legend/creepy pasta hype. I bought it during a sale, to play it with friends on their stream.

The game itself starts in the infamous yellowish corridors of the backrooms, with each player spawning somewhere different in them. The first task therefore is to find each other, find a key that is hidden in the level and proceed. The game then takes you through various levels, all based on the backrooms mythos, like mostly empty office spaces, parking garages, tunnel systems, and more. Each of these levels feature some kind of puzzles, others feature deadly creatures like a dog with a human face that is louder than standing right next to an exploding nuke.
One thing we found out that seemed pretty counterintuitive is how coops map changes are done. To change from level to level, every single player has to be in the warp zone. However, the warp zones are not recognizable as ones and often led to us being confused on what to do, just to realize all we had to do was to assemble in one room, that didn't look like it would let us proceed in any way. Also, the game, in its current point of development, feels pretty buggy and rough. One of those dog creatures for example despawned on us, while being visible, there seems to be a lot of animations missing or cheaply done... You get the point, right?

The game feels a bit cash grabby, but it's also cheap. If you really want to try it out, play it with friends and buy it during a sale, but unless you're super hyper into the idea of buying the game anyway, I really can't recommend it.

fun game, fun youtuber that made it, but the game isn't that great

fine with friends, but confusing and frustrating often

It really is fun with friends

2/5 stars on Google Reviews; was relaxing in my lovely backrooms experience but some guy kept emerging from the shadows, coughing, and then attacking me!!! Do not come here unless you can run!!


So... I like this game, as I tend to enjoy most Backrooms media, though it has things pulling me in opposite directions.

I wanna stress this is an early access game, and I very much have that in mind when reviewing it and doing so with the hopes it can turn out as good as it possibly can.

The first chase scene spilling over into that balancing section was excellent, and had my heart pounding as well as creating a purpose for me to quickly use the balancing/peeking mechanism, I like that.

I also really like how the entities and levels are designed, they feel significantly faithful to the Backrooms lore while shedding a lot of the PG crap that came with the 'mainstreamification' of the lore itself.

I also am very excited to try it out with friends and my sister at a later time, since we're all quite invested in the lore.

However... there's a lot holding it back. I'll start with the minor stuff. auto-equipping picked up items is a bit annoying, as I'd rather put them in my inventory and take them out if I need to. Also the inventory itself and the way you move/use items is a bit odd and could use some retooling.

The more severe downsides however, come from the unavoidable nature of some of the entities. Hiding from them, at least as far as I can tell, is not possible, and your character also runs very slowly, to the point of barely outpacing the entities. While running from danger your stamina isn't capped, but when it is capped, it is very very low, and not very good.

The sanity meter is also not very well defined and could use some extra numeric clarification as to where your sanity is at.

Apart from that, it's also just slightly janky and glitchy, most notably with the keypad in Level 1, it took a few tries for my clicks to register on the buttons.

Promising beginnings, and I may amend my score to a 7/10 depending on how fun the multiplayer is, and given that the game seems designed around it, that seems likely.

Met the creator on twitch, seemed nice enough and the game is pretty good, keep going back to it

I can't imagine playing this alone but with friends it's decent. Looking forward to more content.

Cool with frens. Stupid fun time, waiting for more updates

played for a bit with friends. stupid game.

I have never hated Hellhounds more than I do now.

Com amigos 10/10, mas tudo com amigos vira isso
O jogo n dá medo algum, além de ter umas fases mt merda(Só consigo lembrar uma boa), POREM eu genuinamente gostei da experiência(Provavelmente por gostar da estética dos backrooms), e ainda tem mais jogo pela frente.
Tomara q melhore

very fun to play with friends

backrooms with enemies isnt it

decent alone, great with friends.

Fun with friends. Couldn't imagine enjoying it by myself.

Ben ça pue hein qu'est ce que vous voulez que je vous dise moi

Only fun with friends. Otherwise, this game is plain.