Reviews from

in the past

Sega's weird Mortal Kombat/Street Fighter hybrid. It has potential with a detailed moveset for each character, but the sound design and animation feel so lifeless that they drag the entire game down.

this just sucks not much to say. Characters are boing and don’t feel fleshed out. The gameplay is clunky and bad. It’s really not that charming or fun just really freaking boring.

You got stage kills, you got a water man and a vampire, you got cover art by friggin Julie Bell, lemme tell ya this is a pretty good soup here.

Theres an idea here I would LOVE to see done right.

it's... literally just a fighting game. has some cool concepts like the cooldown on special moves, a few of the stage kills are cool (especially in the sequel i've heard) and the general story is really interesting and has a boat load of potential, it's just kinda sad to see it go down with clunky controls and grating sound. it's worth looking into for sure, but it's far from a good fighting game, it's just okay
