Reviews from

in the past

one of the final bosses of the story mode (not the final final one) had me so bad i abandoned the game for 4 months and then very quickly realized that fuck this and cheated so i could max out every skill and make all the party members level 70, not much else cause i still wanted to engage with the game lmao (it still wasn't a complete walk in the park, but not "i'm killing everything in two hits" type of cheating) but outside of that it was overall very good and entertaining and the characters were good 👍

really want to like this more than eo1u but the bosses really fuck me up man. i love the labyrinth again and the story characters are solid and the party dynamic is great and the general game mechanics are still great but nearly every single boss in this game is a godforsaken trial and error disaster that made me dread every new boss fight instead of looking forward to what was to come. trial and error! in a game series where failure is designed to be a punishment! and for most bosses, the amount of trial and error you'd have to suffer through without consulting a guide is completely unforgivable. I used the wiki extensively because there is frankly no way I would have kept my sanity otherwise, and nobody should have to play this game without it. that all said, i still enjoyed the game a lot as a whole because thankfully there aren't that many bosses and many of them are technically optional. fuck ur-child 7.8/10

Tardó dos años en salir de occidente, y yo otros dos en pasármelo de lo coñazo que me pareció.

Es ist ein neues Jahr und ich habe in einer schlaflosen Nacht "Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight" ausgepackt.
Ich liebe die Etrian Odyssey - Teile und freue mich auch über den Hype der Steam und Switch - Version. Trotzdem besitze ich "Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight" habe es aber sehr lange nicht angerührt. Warum? Weil es auf englisch ist. Mein Englisch ist zwar relativ gut, jedoch nicht soooo gut, um die eigentliche Story richtig wahrzunehmen und zu genießen. Dennoch gebe ich mein Bestes, die Story zu verstehen und empfehle trotzdem JEDEM dieses Game auf dem DS! Packt euer DS aus, holt euch das Spiel auf Amazon und gib ihm!

Nice to finally beat this one after all these years, I started the series with EO2 and it was very nostalgic for me.

While I don't exactly enjoy the idea of a story mode with a forced party in a series that's so heavily centered around party customisation, at least it does it better than EO1U. Peak.

It's giving more to do than OG2, But as far as bosses go, they aren't very interesting. They all have very similar attack patterns.