Reviews from

in the past

Games got a legendary soundtrack, I'll give it that much.

Another FIFA game it was alright.

I got messi in UT world cup mode and I cry

The only FIFA title I've played, since it's the only thing my potato laptop can run. 8 years after launch, career mode is the only thing left. I enjoy the game for what it's worth, but at the same time it's boring. Finding resources for this game is not easy, and I don't want to scrape to the bottom of youtube just to get good at an old installment of a franchise that releases game on an annual basis. 5/10

So after doing a short series on PS4 (streamed on Twitch come see me @mariov33 if you wanna see more of the older FIFA games) I had a great time playing FIFA 14 and although there are some things that got improved in future games like the graphics and certain aesthetic and gameplay changes, overall this game is still very fun because it's still actually challenging and it knows what it's trying to be which is the pitfall of modern FIFA. They can't decide if it's an arcade game or if it's a realism simulator and now it's just an awful blend of both. Hence, FIFA 14 a 10 year old game now, is leagues ahead of the current game.

fifa 13 with little improvements and changes like not having to press r2 to do skills new ui transfer network and better movement,but it has way worse music and vibes and isnt as big of a change as fifa 12 to 13,but its about as good i say

em questão de realismo, tudo que era possível fazer para a época, foi feito nesse jogo.
faces e movimentações bem feitas e boas músicas, certamente um dos melhores fifas.

the game that got me in this shitty franchise but god damn this game is beautiful maybe the nostalgia is talking but this game even in 2024 is in my honest opinion so f good
even tho the refs are blind, headers are op this was one of the last Fifas in which u can play with a silver squad without being a god at the game
the mcm was amazing with goated wonder kids like lukaku kdb depay marvin bakkali or pogba
ngl the player cm wasn't that special but even without the ucl linceses op headrs bad servers pace abusers this game was elite
everyone has their fav fifa and this one s mine(or maybe im just glazin Messi a lil too much ..idk ..tho if u have the chance to play this old relic I would recommend u to do so)

Primeiro FIFA que joguei de verdade, traz uma gameplay dura e mais “realista” em comparação ao concorrente da época (PES). Infelizmente esse jogo me introduziu a essa franquia maldita.

gameplay é uma das piores mas ainda é goat

O FIFA q joguei durante toda a minha infância, por mais q eu tenha jogado muito mais o Street, esse aq sempre estará no meu coração. Nunca encostei no modo carreira, só queria o time mais roubado possível pra jogar com os meus amigos e familiares.

اذكر فيه مره شريت 20 ستور وفيه واحد كان يبيع كوينز فتويتر اتوقع كان يبيع مليون كوينز ب10 او شي الزبدة ارسلت له الكود واداني بلوك

اللي اذكره اني لعبت قيم واحد وسحبت عليها

my first fifa bruh… memories

primeiro jogo que eu chorei na vida inteira. Santos futebol clube vc ainda vai me pagar por ganhar de mim de 5 a zero no modo campanha contra o São Paulo, naquela epoca eu chorei de raiva e ainda tive que chorar baixo pro meus pais não descobrirem e baterem em mim. Vc foi o unico jogo de futebol que eu gostei na vida e me fez ter traumas até hoje sobre e em relação a futebol em si, eu te odeio

backloggd doesnt show it but this game was in the Ps2 somehow.

Joguei ele só por causa do Classic Patch que tinha na epoca, que foi o mod mais fantástico que eu já vi num jogo de futebol. O jogo é mais ou menos, tem muito handicap e muita jogada/gol manjados. Fora a gameplay esquisita e toda truncada da franquia que faz o jogador basicamente brigar com os bonecos do jogo pra fazer as coisas

The prime FIFA game, great football as you should expect at this point without it being so extremely realistic and slow as the new games. I like a touch of videogameyness in my videogames.
The music was prime, absolutely beautiful. FIFA 14 menus are a better game than FIFA 23 because of those songs.
It was also realised in a time period when I fell in love with the sport so my affection is definitely dripping in nostalgia. Still it is the football game I remember the most fondly and I still long to go back to those days of couch co-op with mates in FIFA 14 :')

Actually one of the best FIFA-games of all time.

Undoubtedly, it's one of the best FIFA games of all time. The songs were legendary too. Although it was very easy to score goals from crosses, it was fun scoring 9-10 goals every match.