Reviews from

in the past

Uno de los primeros Final Fantasy que jugué. Muy guapo.

Unholy amount of charm. this might be one of the most visual captivating games from its time, included with remastered osts and QoL from the previous versions.
Not without its flaws tho, this game has a LOT of grind, and i mean it. it works just fine until lvl 30+-, everything after that either oneshots you, or you just steamroll throught it.
Not being able to save during the last dungeon gauntlet might be a deal breaker for a lot of people, which is understandable, since you can lose 2hrs+ on that.

Best version, way easier than the famicon version. But have new things to do. This game give the Onion Knight Class the fame and use that deserved long way ago.

This is the first version of this game that I played, was glad that it was finally officially released in NA. The story was good and a lot of foundation for the entire series was made here.

I still have nightmares about Hydra Mages

Huge improvement over the first 2

Classic RPG issue of needing to constantly grind to face the constant difficulty spikes. Wouldn't be AS much of a problem, if you didn't need to grind jobs as WELL as levels, so it ultimately felt like too much of a slog before it got interesting.

-> Peor juego que he tocado.
-> Todo este juego esta pensando como metodo de tortura.
-> Solo gusta a aquellos que abusan de guías, trucos o tácticas avanzadas, así como a quienes no han jugado y aquellos que han utilizado innumerables trucos


- Système de Jobs
- La 3D
- L'histoire simple & les héros personnalisés ( pas des randoms )
- Difficulté bien dosée

Manque de quality of life :
- Les combats sont lents, les animations de fin ne sont pas skippable
- Sauvegarde uniquement sur la worldmap
- Tunnel de 2h sans save possible pour battre le boss final (si perdu => on recommence tout)

- Jeune mais vieux ( Refonte graphique sympa mais rigide niveau QoL )
- Très sympa à faire

Se não fosse a última dungeon a nota poderia ser MUITO melhor.

I've played a good number of Final Fantasy games, but I've also been needing to replay a good number of them. Final Fantasy III has always been one of my personal favorites, there's a lot I really enjoy of it!
I've never played the original Final Fantasy III, however I know that there have been changes to this version of the game. The main reason why I played this version of the game is cause I like the 3D models of the game! My first Final Fantasy was Final Fantasy IV for the DS, so I have a love for the look of this game, it's really cute and charming. Another thing of note is that the game changes the order of certain jobs you can obtain, and there have been some balancing differences as well. But the last and major difference this version of Final Fantasy III is that they try and give the playable characters actual character, and more than just avatars for the player. And, I really like the attempt, I wouldn't say it's perfect, and at a time they go back to just being avatars, but when they do show their characterization, it's nice!
Final Fantasy III features one of my absolute favorite features in RPGs, that being a job system. And, I don't know if this is correct or not, but Final Fantasy III may be one of the first to feature it. I absolutely love being able to switch jobs and classes on the fly, though, Final Fantasy III has some issues with it, I'd say. For one, aside from one job in particular, the game doesn't really require you to experiment, and I find that some jobs are just objectively better than others. Why use a White Mage or a Black Mage when you have a Devout and a Magus for example. And the other big issue is that switching jobs on characters make those characters weaker for a set number of turns. Though in concept it makes sense why, it makes you focus on specific jobs you've already been using, instead of experimenting with other jobs. Though with that in mind, I like how each job has its own set of levels on top of your own, and how those levels effect your over all stats.
The spell system of Final Fantasy III is something I want to take general note of. In a sense, Final Fantasy III's spell system functions in the sense of Spell Slots. And by that, I mean you get 8 levels of spells, and each level has a certain amount of times you can use that level of spell. So for example, you can use a 6th level spell about 16 times or so. And I think it's an interesting way of going about things! You don't have to worry about MP, but you do have to think about how many times you can cast a specific level spell. And with how there's so little spell use recovery items, you have to think really smart about it, which is cool!
The story of early Final Fantasies is rather minimal. I remember hearing that Final Fantasy IV was the first that they really tried to go hard with the story. However with the story there is in Final Fantasy III, it's really cool! However I will say, Final Fantasy III's most interesting aspects are learned through speaking with NPCs, and learning the lore through that. But one aspect of the game that I love is that about halfway through, you get a proper airship. You then learn that the map you were exploring was only a small fraction of the entire world as a whole, and the world opens up massively. It's so cool, and I love how it's done.
One thing I remember when I first played Final Fantasy III years ago was I found it difficult. Yet again in this playthrough, I did have some difficult moments as well. I feel Final Fantasy III's difficulty is a bit of a downward slope, while it's a bit hard early on, once you get more jobs, more levels, and more job levels, it just gets a lot easier. Especially if you use a Monk or a Black Belt, you can do massive damage rather easily. When I first played Final Fantasy III, though I did beat the final boss on my first try, I had a lot of difficulty with it. Though at the same time, I recognized I was severely under-leveled, and under-equipped. This time though, I was properly prepared, and the final boss was quite easy this time around! And with that, that's why I describe Final Fantasy III's difficulty as a downward slope. The more options you have, and the better items you get, it just becomes so much easier.
While I adore Final Fantasy III, it's far from the best of the series. The jobs system, though not perfect, is a system I love, and as said prior, I love the 3D models used in this version of the game. I'm glad I finally got around to replaying it though, so that I can better describe my opinions on it.

Loved this game man, I was GRIPPED playing this one, started playing this right after I grinded out FFXIV, so this was technically my first mainline FF game, and it did not disappoint