Reviews from

in the past

An extremely short and not very effective game about the horror of obsession and its impact on family. I liked what it was going for and is interesting in the context of the rest of Szymanski's work but not especially on its own terms.

boring atmosphere is whatev

A promising start for David Syzmanski but really nothing else to write home home about

Jogo simples, curto e interessante, em alguns momentos os puzzles me tiraram da experiência por ser um teste de reconhecimento de senha meio obtuso, mas ainda assim consegue proporcionar sentimentos desconfortantes pelo vazio dos ambientes e as implicações proporcionadas pelo texto, que vagamente discute moralidade e liberdade de uma forma curiosa.

Fingerbones is an odd one to review, as it feels more like an experience than a game really. It mainly is trying to tell you a story, and with that it has very barebones gameplay to go with it, you literally walk point A to point B, and then point B back to point A. But what makes it good is the story, and the experience that it gives, it is certainly a must play, and with the fact that it is free, you should play this game.

Overall: 8/10

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While short in length and with a cast of characters you could count on one hand, the story and atmosphere pick up the slack. Fingerbones is a disturbing game featuring a snapshot of one person's actions and thoughts following the end of the world

family ties
4,5/10 - Length
5,5/10 - Enjoyment
6,5/10 - Story/Experience
5,0/10 - Originality
4,5/10 - Gameplay

Score = 5,2/10

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No friggin' way the dad killed the daughter?!?! I totally didn't see that coming the moment I read a note comparing her to her mother with in an insidious tone! /sarcasm

Considering it's his first finished project, Fingerbones was a cleverly thought game. The game has the polish of a game jam project which isn't much to sing about but it does what it wanted to do without issues mostly.

Your exposition is given through scattered pages which isn't very environmental in storytelling but other than that it plays upon it well. Password recognition is the puzzle here but it's not so difficult as to interrupt your game. The conclusion of the game is a bit of a curveball but it is well presented for the most part.

And it's a free sub 30 min experience! I'd say go for it.

Playtime: 20 Minutes
Score: 7/10

Very short and simple horror game. Had some nice puzzles to solve and a very creepy atmosphere. The notes you read are very disturbing and it actually set up a twist over what character I was playing and that went in a completely different direction to what I thought it would. Its free on Steam, so its definitely worth playing for that and how short it is.