Reviews from

in the past

Enough time has passed, this game is peak and I will die on that hill 🗣️🗣️🗣️

So hard to figure out what you're supposed to do.


fun rpg but some parts are annoying to get through

It makes the player use specific characters or the game is simply impossible, that's so fucking boring

The game is just like Undertale, Mother 2, and other JPRG lites but fun combat is replaced with a brain aneurysm and witty dialogue is replaced with FNaF 57: Freddy in Space.

Rating: D
Genre(s): JRPG, horror lite, novelty video game

Uma piadinha engraçada e até que tem uma gameplay muito boa e rápida pra jogos rpg, mas nada d+ fora isso

É um jogo gostosinho de jogar, mas é bem fácil de ficar meio perdido sem saber pra onde ir sem um guia

Como olvidar cuando Scott prácticamente estafó a sus fans con un RPG mediocre con pésima presentación y jugabilidad deficiencia carente de estrategia, casi matando a la franquicia en el proceso, al menos tuvo la decencia de reembolsar a los jugadores y pedir disculpas.

Não era tão ruim assim...
até que é um rpg decente...

Awesome game, it is very fucking different from the fnaf games, but i find the rpg gameplay fun, challenging and immersive at some points

Characters are fucking awesome and i love their designs and how the apeart just like nothing ever happened and withouth caring about how fucked up they really are.

Great game, wouldn't play again tho

i cant explain why i like this game so much, its not very good looking and a walking seizure game, but i think its battle system is really fun to strategize and satisfying. fucking weird ass game, need fnaf world 2 scott pls

Péssimo. Odiei quando criança e ainda acho péssimo.

WAY overhated it's pretty good

i have finished this game more times than i can count and yet i still think it's trash

pior que eu joguei essa porra mais de 10 vezes

i dont want to talk about it.

I can't deny FNAF World is corny and stupid, but I love it regardless

This is the best FNAF game hands down for the sole reason it is nothing like the other FNAF games

scott cawthon really was an artistic genius when he created foxy.exe

I accepted this perfectly when it came out. horror inside, corny, clever

no one understands the pain of going back to one of your favorite games only to find out it's a braindead, button-mashing, sensory overloading, epilepsy inducing...i'll stop there i made my point

when i was 11 i broke my mac trying to download wine so i could play this