Reviews from

in the past

A mediocre action game with traces of Castlevania in its DNA.

This game's version of Frankenstein's monster is not a tragic being cursed with sentience against his will, nor a mindless monster that serves as an allegory to man's affront to God, or maybe he is but that's not important, what's important is that this version of Frankie's monster is some evil demon lord from an 80's/90's fantasy anime which has control over his own evil dimension, controls other classic monsters via his evil powers and whose ultimate goal apparently is killing everybody and capturing poor maidens, with you the valiant hero to rescue her and bring his reign of terror to an end. In short this rocks and I think it's cool.

When this game shines the most is in it's presentations, cutscenes are very cinematic for the time to the point that I was actually impressed, from the visuals, to transitions, to the action and theatrics, there was an attempt to at least present some kind of story for our valiant knight hero to introduce himself into, you even get to imput your name and characters will refer to you as such.

The main thing this game was trying to do I think was a very primitive action adventure with some rpg elements, there's an upgrade system and some optional bosses.

The game is short, very short, with only four or five stages depending on how you count them, you could be able to finish this pretty much on a single sitting, but then you'll be hit with the frustrating hiccups this game has.

It's a shame really, there was a lot of potential here, if only the developers ran a few more testing runs to fix some pretty big issues the game has.

The password sistem doesn't save your upgrades, if you get a ranged weapon you're pretty much invincible but you can lose it in a single hit, if that happens you're screwed since your hitboxes are far smaller than they look (only one of your sword's half can actually hit enemies, meaning you have o get pretty close), enemies always respawn in the same places and always drop the same items which is good to restock energy, but if you lose some and the area you are at doesn't spawn those enemies you're done for, before every boss battle you exchange some words with the boss but they spawn one or two frames before that happens so you can recieve an attack almost immediately and cannot evade it since the cutscene interrupts you, there is only one small instance of water combat but it has to be the single worst swimming physics I've ever experinced in my life...

However, I still think that this game is worth a quick look if you're interested, just be careful with your movements, keep a ranged weapon, memorize some enemy patterns and just have fun with it, I actually did quite a bit.