Reviews from

in the past

I don’t love the main character model or the run cycle, but the jump and movement are nice and the vibes are right.

Five stars if you don't count the Black & White DLC, even if it's supposed to give a definitive ending to the game. I 100%ed all the maps other than the DLC one and beat Chuka in the DLC, couldn't figure out how to progress and peaced out on it with 80% map completion.

I think it's my kind of platforming and exploration-based Metroidvania and I appreciate the potential levels of nonlinearity in it that are tied specifically to your ability to understand your mechanics fully (some of these skill sets can be learned via found notes in some areas).

There were a few minor issues, such as the camera not going back to center when doing the down-dash ability and the lack of ability to have quest markers in case you're looking for someone or something in particular -- this is especially a pain in the case of finding all the robots (which I had already found before I got the quest started, so I just skipped that whole deal), as well as the Subway Depot quest and a generator quest for a particular region -- it asks you to turn on generators and you can 100% the map without finding all of the generators if you're like me and simply didn't look in a particular direction in one room.

I think my only other gripe was very minor and involved a particular ability you eventually get that is really fun, but can make some of your other abilities become a bit more finicky, without going into spoiler territory for some of the cool stuff you get.

Ended up dropping 24 hours on it for 100% map completion for everywhere other than the DLC and gathered all relevant items in the game but didn't finish a couple side quests. Absolutely worth it at full price and I'd say it's worth a look for any Metroidvania player -- if you see a sale, snatch it up!

Also, shout-outs to the dev for being cool in the Steam discussions when a Dutch person called his game "cringe" because in Dutch, "haak" means "hook" and you have a hook weapon, even though the dev speaks Cantonese and "haak" means "black" because your brother (the main quest point of the game has you seeking him out) is "baak", which means "white". The very polite correction followed by dead silence from the Dutch user was golden.

A really solid Metroidvania with good level design and platforming challenges, smooth controls, fun combat, and a nice post-apocalyptic visual style with fluid animations to top it off. I didn't know what to expect at first, but I had a great time with it.

Got quite frustrated now. I mean, the game isn't too bad or anything, I'll either revisit this game in the future or not, just didn't seem to enjoy it anymore.

Honestly, what a game. Randomly stumbled upon it, I don't even remember where I saw it from. Tried the demo, seemed promising. Bought it a few days later and my god, what a game. What a game. What more can I say? Binged the hell out of it in like 3 or 4 days I think? Just keeps getting better the more and more you play. I asked myself a few times "Just how much better is this game gonna get?" You'd be surprised.

The feeling of satisfaction and euphoria each time you get a major upgrade, when you see that black cube just floating in the air, you break it open and you're surprised with an ability you'd never even have imagined would be in the game... Of course the classics are here: dashing, stomping etc... But there is so much more. The movement in this game is just amazing when you get all the upgrades.

Back-tracking wasn't a problem at all. I very much enjoyed returning to older areas with each new upgrade I got and trying to find out what new areas I could now access. The DLC was absolutely brilliant, the story had some nice themes and the characters portraits are very, very pretty. I'm impressed how much love and effort went into this game.

Tutle, I personally thank you. This game is a hidden gem and an amazing one at that. As a huge Metroid and Hollow Knight fan, when I say that I get Metroid feelings from this game, that's the highest praise I can give it because now I'm just comparing you with Nintendo.

Would've loved it if it were a tad longer. Even with the DLC, it left me wanting more... Yes, it's that much fun to play. I got it on sale but if I knew what I was going into, I would've gladly given it full price.

Just, thank you. Very heartwarming but bittersweet secret ending as well. I can speak of nothing but praise for this game.

- generic but perfectly executed
- exploration focused and i really loved it (not much of action or platforming)

eu tava gostando bastante mas infelizmente tive que abandonar por que o jogo crashou em uma tela de loading e agora eu to travado pq simplesmente nao aparece as caixas de dialogo necessárias pra avançar no jogo :(

I am still trying to finish this game. I first played the game on android before but ended up deleting it due to boredom. 5hen a few years later, I came back to this game, but this time I played it on my laptop. It's good, I still don't get much of the story though, but the whole Metroidvania thing is just great. I've played a few games that fell into the same genre and this game is overall giving me both Dandara and Hollow Knight moveset somehow. Anyways, still finishing the game. Might log again soon.