Reviews from

in the past

The game draws from most conventional urban legends and tries to put a twist on them but due to the narrative structure and the writing style, it amounts to nothing special.

The game consists of 4 main "cases", each one having two routes. I've finished 2 of those cases, and while the first one was simple, short, with both paths having enough variety and differences to keep me engaged, the routes of the second case were too similar to each other with one of them feeling like an incomplete version of the other. It would have been fine if not the fact that you have to do a LOT of backtracking and re-reading to get new scenes. You also never know if your choices really matter. At times a dialogue choice might open a whole new scene or even a path but that is something rare. The first case stroke a good balance with a small number of meaningful choices but enough variety. Finishing it felt rewarding with enough "mystery" still unsolved and to think about. A remarkable achievement. On the other hand, the second case leaves a few important questions without an answer on purpose and all it gives you at the end is "To be continued". This contrast between the first two cases leaves the player perplexed: you don't know what to expect from the rest of the game.

The writing is quite dry but can be enjoyable. What bothered me the most is how the game does not try to evoke any emotion in you. Most of the time the game seems completely indifferent to the player. And I am not talking about how this is a visual novel, so all you do is read. The story does not seem to care if you are engaged or not. A bold move but not my cup of tea.

I might come back and finish the other "cases" someday in the future but that is another mystery to uncover.