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They perfected their craft on a few levels here. Apex Predator is easily my favorite level where it really sells just how scary 47 is while also being a really fun level to play.

The story is at its best here even if it’s still nothing crazy.

Les Hitman sont des jeux qui ont comme meilleur atout sont level design. Pas facile pour les non adepte a la série comme moi, mais je reconnait que le jeu est bon et finir une mission est très satisfaisante

haha I shoot random pedestrians in Chongqing

still a great time and still very zen like the other 2, with a story i got surprisingly invested in

shame that the last level misses the entire point of hitman despite being a cool concept, and god was it annoying to have to do combat in a game that promotes stealth. mgs moment lol

ça c dla vanne bb

includes hitman 1 and 2. played in vr.

This game does not go out with a bang, but rather the muzzled cough of a silenced pistol. I thoroughly enjoyed this game's missions, especially the mansion, winery, and train. It brings an amazing conclusion to the trilogy that has been set up since 2016 and paints Agent 47 as a much more intriguing character than I had anticipated.

IO Interactive do not know how to structure or pace a story across 3 games and I did not care about WoA's overarching narrative up until this point, but somehow the final missions of the trilogy actually managed to get me properly emotional over 47 and Diana's dynamic, and, by extension, the series's events as a whole. It's crazy how having these two extremely likable characters be the only real anchors throughout an otherwise pretty tame conspiracy thriller plot allows 3 to pull this trick and retroactively make me care about the story of Hitman (2016). The interactions between Diana and 47 were always my favorite bits of characterization in the previous games, and even in Blood Money I found their whole thing charming, but there's something about how tangible it feels here that got me. I think going through K-8 with a paraprofessional who was payed by the school district to make sure I didn't bite people just makes me predisposed to having their deal resonate with me- her helping a man who's Literally Neurodivergent distinguish between right and wrong and him being thankful enough for it to put his life at risk... such a fun concept and the execution of it in the last real mission put a smile on my face.
It's WoA so obviously the level design is fucking phenomenal and the core gameplay's still extremely engaging if you're into this kind of routing-based stealth. Camera's a weird addition and feels kind of clunky to use, and I wish the ICA facility in China had been... better? I liked the level itself but after all the goofy sci-fi shit I was dying for them to just let me infiltrate an underground supervillain facility; was very sad to find out it was one of the more underwhelming areas in the game. Anyway though- I love WoA! All games with this kind of budget should have the decency to be good

One of my favourite comfort games. There is so much satisfaction in mastering a location and being able to essentially go wherever you want and do whatever you want and get away with.

Freelancer is also incredible.

The new Hitman games were already the greatest entries in the entire series. Despite my love for the thematic nature of Absolution, the abject awesomeness of Blood Money, and the old but classic cold suaveness of Silent Assassin, the 2 new Hitman games gave the best experience. They breathed a fully alive world that got even more improved in 3. Gave you freedom that actually felt free, multitude of killing options that expose the big reason why these games excel, Character.

The character is what sets them a part and truly makes the greatest stealth experience in gaming. Subtle attitude changes and dialogue exchanges based on certain situations you set off, all of this makes you feel like you are really there. And also making Agent 47 have a presence, based on his distinct movements. And at moments dialogue exchanges during the mission that display his character. And ofc the briefings. It's more than enough to FEEL like and FEEl in general his presence.

So with all of that being said, Hitman 3 is the best of the trilogy, why? it does better what both before it did. And integrates more of a narrative that's actually interesting cutscenes that add even more scale to what's taking place. Like the first mission. That entire discussion and scaling the Burj Khalfia was amazing. Simple but substantive based on the brilliant characterization of both. None of the plot is deep or layered and it doesn't need to be. Makes it feel more real.

And then the bare bones. The map designs are the best, so interesting and easy to get lost in much more so. Combat is cleaner, and ways to kill are far better. It's their best work, their magnum opus. All they did right in prior titles. They improved and then some to deliver not only a perfect Hitman experience but Stealth experience unlike no other. Can't wait for their 007 game! Though, hot take, Agent 47 is better than 007, sorry.

Thrilled so far with the amount of content, haven't gotten around into continuing the game D:

Less of a stealth game and more like a freeform puzzle game where you try to pile as many bodies in an operating room as you can without getting noticed.

la fin en vrai c'est pas si mal

Creative scenarios as always. More Hitman.

Please give Hitman 4. I want more of this series so so much. These games are excellent, goofy and lovable AF.

Nem terminei a campanha ainda, mas só o modo freelancer já vale o jogo.

The Hitman series is really something special because there isn't really any other game that does something like it. This was my first time with it and I had a blast! The game doesn't really take itself too serious, which makes it all the funnier. The level design is great with large maps that are basically impossible to explore to their fullest in the first playthrough, meaning that it has a lot of replayability. The story missions are awesome, with a lot of different scenarios to explore and enjoy. I would have liked to see more reaction from the world to what's happening around it. In one mission I found a guy talking over the phone with another guy that I already killed which shouldn't happen. Also, the always online "feature" and the poor monetization puts me a bit off. Other than that it's a unique game definitely worth experiencing!

All 3 hitman content taken into account. Made me feel like a stealth GOD, while putting all the things I need it in easily accesible places

this is one of my favourite series/collection of all time and i know i’ll continue going back to it every couple of years. just an incredible collection. excellent gameplay, endless replay ability, great locations (mostly), underrated humour, tense moments, cool as fuck moments, and on and on. incredible work. excited for their take on james bond. they’ve more than earned it.

Considering the whole triology.

This is an amazing take on the stealth genre that made it very unique and interesting. A lot of good ideas that just needed to be freshed out. I don't know why it needed to be always online and take three whole games worth of purchases but if you can get the whole thing as a whole package for a sane price it's definitely a great choice.

Best story, worst missions. Certainly the worst in the series, but the final mission makes up for it.

Didn't like this one as much as the other 2 for some reason, the locations weren't as iconic in my opinion but I still liked it. Only thing we need now is an absolution remake.

Juste trop bien, c'est les trois jeux mélanger dans un seul, chaque map a sa propre âme et c'est vraiment excellent.

I'm only going to do a reviews of Hitman III, since it includes all the games, but I'm gonna say that the Hitman games since the 2016 one are must plays !

LOADS of content from all 3 games of the trilogy, I still play this as there is unlimited things to do. the story is good and has some cool areas

every level is a masterpiece the dubai map gagged me a little bit

Hitman 3 (WoA) manages to top all of the modern Hitman games and deliver an outstanding expierience. So cool that devs brought levels from Hitman 1 and 2, you could spend an entire year in this game and probably not get bored.