Reviews from

in the past

Quite a good port/engine update, I never quite understood how IO couldn't let Feral release this on PC as well. The build that's currently on Steam is desperately in need of one.

What's changed?
- The UI is completely redesigned, from the layout to the map.
- Audio engine appears to be rebuilt from scratch. They clearly had access to the original recordings since they sound far more clear. No pitch-shifted NPC dialogue this time around. In some missions (e.g: A New Life, Dance with The Devil) they even use new dialogue that wasn't in the 2006 original.
- Loadout is much improved. Diana only briefs 47 if you go to the briefing menu. You can customize your weapons and quickly specify if you want one of your Silverballers or two.
- The target portraits now load! This always was the case on console versions but never occurs consistently on PC.
- The game is far more transparent with you when you are trespassing in an area, if caught on camera, if guards are suspicious or alerted
- Camera angle more like modern Hitman games (47 is slightly to the left)
- Quality of life improvements like prompting for a save after each mission, telling you what the features are (e.g: last stand), and how to generally play the game.
- You can specify difficulty for each mission separately as opposed to having to complete a unique run for each.
- "Instinct mode" similar to all Hitman games since Absolution.
- Weapon swap menu also updated

Things that didn't change
- The AI is still the same as the original Blood Money, and similar to SA, 2 and Contracts, can act sometimes omniscient when it shouldn't be.
- All missions and weapons are the same

Things that got worse:
- Can't release body you're dragging without dropping object you're carrying or switching weapon.
- Button to fistfight and button to shoot are mapped to two seperate buttons now
- The icon they use to prompt you to hold the button isn't exactly intuitive
- Crashes on Murder of Crows, and also on any mission once I completed the campaign.

All in all, really well done. Now, if you could, please come to PC.