Reviews from

in the past

This game is something really out of my common genres. I don't usually play this kind of resource management sim. But it was enjoyable.

The game is quite simple and not as complex as you may imagine when looking at the grapes for the first time. For the most of the Story Mode (which I couldn't make myself care about the characters and narrative) the game is pretty chill and cool because of that.

The thing is, by the time your done with it you've probably progressed like 20% in the game systems, and without any extrinsic goal or anything forced me to learn how to optimize the systems in a way that I can make more money, I just end up dropping it 20 minutes after the credits rolled.

Just an alright game

Very easy and personally relaxing game, doesn't have a lot of content however the setting just appeals to me and I can enjoy this game turn after turn, while watching a long youtube video or movie on my second screen.

Fun take on the tycoon genre with a card/puzzle twist but it does include some weaknesses that drag it down

Story is weak and ends out of nowhere and the controls are extremely clunky but if you're a fan of the genre I would recommend picking this up and giving it a go.

If this type of game doesn't work for you then nothing in this will change your mind

Abandoned after an hour. The game and UI design is unintuitive and I didn't really have a clue what I was doing. I can see how the gameplay would scale, and I imagine there's a game in there, but I didn't find it and I have dozens of other games to play so if it hasn't caught me now, I'm not willing to invest further.

it had all the pieces of being interesting but it was just way too easy to be. I guess it's a chill time.

Jogo muito bom pra relaxar durante a tarde. Achei ruim jogar na televisão. Ficaria muito melhor em celulares. Dá pra aprender alguma coisa sobre vinho no caminho e até tem uma historinha (superficial mas com alguns detalhes bem interessantes - como a quebra da quarta parede por um personagem). É bom. É relaxante. É gostosinho.

neat idea and a fun chill podcast game but the UI is so unintuitive and clunky that I ended up getting extremely frustrated

Somehow oversimplifies the winemaking process while at the same time making it feel unapproachable and, worst of all, pretty boring.