Reviews from

in the past

Hunt The Night is a solid Zelda-like distinguished by its stunning 16-bit Victorian Gothic horror art design, which stands out as the game's greatest strength. Honestly, more games should embrace this art design. At this point, I'd even play a survival game in that style, despite it being my least favorite genre lol. Also how good looks that cover art?

While its dungeon design follows a formulaic pattern, the boss fights are exceptional and well-crafted. One mid-game boss, in particular, requires your full attention, evoking the classic Souls-like challenge.

The lore is there and has some great "aha" moments but is ultimately a bit cliché and flat when it comes to the story of the main character. Her sprite is very cute, though. I also like the light but nonetheless very satisfying environmental storytelling. There are even some visual clues in the environment that will guide you to your next objective, which I always appreciate, especially since the game has no map.

Considering this is the studio's first "big" game, I'm genuinely impressed with what they've accomplished. Some aspects obviously need fine-tuning, but it's clear they had a strong creative vision. Hopefully, they will continue honing their craft despite the fact that it gone under the radar.

Podría estar bien pero su narrativa es un desastre.

Probably the most confusing game I've ever touched. What even am I supposed to do???

i don't understand all the negative reviews. in my book, it's a 9/10 game for me. My only complaint is the text is a bit too small for my eyes and there's some slow down when I move to a new area. that's all.