Reviews from

in the past


Muito bom para quem gosta do tipo do jogo


jogo de vagabundo (felps me fez viciar nessa porra)

It's... an idle game
I tried the game, got bored immediately, then downloaded a modded apk to see how far I could get.
It has all the typical stuff from the genre; the "autoclickers", the gradual upgrades, it gives you resources based on the time the game was closed, the upgrades not being enough at a certain point, needing to restart your progress(called ascension in this game) to eventually reach a higher threshold, an upgrade tree exclusively for the ascension currency, if you go far enough into the game you can even restart that progress and ultra ascend... The standard gameplay loop.

It masks the "clicking" with jumping and firing arrows, making you believe it has some sort of actual gameplay but it's the same as clicking your cookie. It does have bonus levels that consist of autorunning platforming, so half a star for that I guess...

legal de jogar por meia hora

muito bom, jogando muito no celular

As all idlers, it's dopamine slop. The bare minimum of what can be considered a video game. It's basically a fidget spinner. Shout out to SimpleFlips.

bem mais ou menos, joguei muito em um dia mas dropei depois

Really boring and very repetitive. Do like the art style.

super jeu idle avec des upgrades ça m'a bien occupé pendant des mois

Un idle game con un giro de tuerca para que no sea tan "de fondo". Manejamos reencarnaciones de guerreros con el objetivo de salvar el mundo ¿haciéndonos cada vez más ricos? Deberemos recolectar monedas y almas con las que aumentar nuestros multiplicadores de estos recolectables y que nuestra siguiente reencarnación sea más eficiente. Podremos dejarlo que vaya el solo, pero será más eficiente que entremos de vez en cuando para interacturar y así recolectar más deprisa.

Ascended once im done with this game

É legal, você entra upa e só entra de novo semana que vem, e você fica nesse loop, no início é super legal, mas dps fica repetitivo, mas de vez enquanto você entra pra upar mais um pouco e enfim

Já fui muito viciado nisso. Parece que n mas qnd esse jogo te pega, pega de jeito...

Its an idle game not much to say about it other than it can't be very good.

Fundementally sound, slightly more active idler that starts off quite strong but ends up losing steam post obligitory rebirth system. The content unlocks are simply spaced out a bit too far to keep the average player interested in seeing what's next.

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