Reviews from

in the past

Fun for the first 5 levels. Afterwards the levels jusst get annoying.

Keywe is a simple co-op game where you play as 2 kiwis at a post office. There are some very unique mechanics for levels, but this also summons my biggest problem with this game. Some of the levels are so insanely frustrating, some of the levels make me wanna kms getting perfect. The graphics also aren't too good but thats not the appeal of the game. The game is a pretty fun time with one friend besides the bad levels. Its a decent game 6/10.

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #47

Um bom joguinho pra jogar com a sua parceira.

mega fun
play it with someone u sad mf
(or maybe im glazin cute birds idk u should check it out tho)

fun little casual coop with some slight difficulty at times but nothing to get upset over, perfect to play with your significant other

Good level of challenge whilst being casual and a good 2-player experience!

When a Kiwi has an egg inside it it takes up almost its whole body, crazy right?

KeyWe is quite a fun little game that gets just one step to repetitive and never really recovers (except the final level which is marvellous).

Overall me and my friend found the 3 main games to be interesting little puzzles that with the different variations make for a fun time. Except for the occasional time they become too tedious.

I'd say pick this up if you're at a loose end with something to play and are up for a co-op experience that only tests your relationship a little.

What a frustrating puzzle game but man was it fun. A Co-op experience similar to the yelling fits you'd have in Overcooked but amplified but the timing and directions in this game. It's super cute and we were pretty engaged the whole time. If you're looking for a cute co-op game to play I think this one is worth the time.

Been playing this on and off with a friend for a little while and while I enjoyed it in the end, KeyWe has quite a few caveats that hold it back a lot.

Primarily, the game is seriously buggy to the point where half the runs had to be restarted to get a decent score. Items would get stuck in the world, certain items would appear on one screen but not another, and sometimes inputs just wouldn't register. It didn't completely ruin the experience, but it caused us to take a break numerous times.

The other issue is the sheer difficulty at points. I'm all for more difficult co-op games, but some of the gold and even silver times felt super unforgiving. You can still pass despite this, but especially for the Winter levels, it was a lot to handle (the bugs didn't help this).

However, it has some major strengths that set it apart from other co-op games like Overcooked, namely the level design. There's a lot more variety to the objectives in each mission, especially with the Overtime missions, making it feel a lot more fresh despite the lack of refinement. Even if a particular element wasn't incredible, at its worst I respect the uniqueness.

Vibes were also great, due to some fun and rather silly tracks along with a ton of goofy customization for your kiwi (my Perry the Platapus kiwi with a duck floatie will live in my heart forever).

Overall, a solid if unrefined co-op game. If you and a friend are a fan of games like Overcooked, Barotrauma, or any of the other greats, you should get more than enough fun out of this. Just be ready for a ton of difficulty, and numerous bugs ending runs outright.

game is SO FUN!!! i love playing it with people and it's just so goddamn entertaining, there is no other way to spin it. it's such an adorable concept with an even cuter execution, and such a creative idea. dont even need the dlc to have fun the main game is so amazing by itself!!!

This game had me questioning my friendship.

This game was pretty fun with the gf :)

Fun little co-op puzzle game, that's also enjoyable to play solo. The levels regularly mix things up so it never gets boring, and there's lots of creative ideas on display. The typing levels got a bit much towards the end though, and it feels like you have to rely on luck to get the gold medals.

Got around to playing this game the right way and I’m glad that I did. Disregard my first review as either a solo-player's point of view or just simply the insane ramblings of a madman. We’re KeyWeing as God intended now.

This game is playable in solo mode for sure, but it’s like asking your brain to work at a level it cannot simply comprehend. With co-op you get free range of your keyboard and a buddy that will share 50% of the backbreaking work with you. How else do you people think you get your mail? Not by people, but through the blood, sweat, and tears from the most overworked, underpaid, armless birds. At least they get the benefit of informal dress codes. Please excuse my dripless friend, he’s just not quite at my level yet.

There are 4 main level designs that vary in obstacles as the game progresses which is just enough variety that keeps the game extremely fun throughout its entire playtime, which is decently lengthened. It’s enough to get through in one session and can be stretched by rechallenging the levels for better rewards, hidden items, etc. There are bonus levels with different gameplay mechanics as well and they net you more tickets for your gold mine of Kiwi cosmetics.

I think what works the best for KeyWe is how there isn’t any Overcooked! or PlateUp levels of vitriol. All three are great games with similar co-op mechanics, but there’s equal opportunity for both players to actively help in each scenario here. You can’t really impede on the other or kill your friend, which makes it a real breath of fresh air. In fact, the only thing that impeded anything were the slight moments of online desync, but it wasn’t a big issue. I found establishing a level of communication and having to shout “1, 2, 3!” before simultaneously finishing a puzzle to be rather charming. We are considering speedrunning the game now, that's how Earth shattering it was for us.

The difficulties fluctuate without ramping up to impossible degrees. While it’s a relatively easy game overall, the later levels have a fitting stress factor for the hidden masochist inside of you. The final stretch is one big, satisfying gauntlet of all of the skills you've acquired throughout. It’s not that the levels are super difficult, they’re just stressful with really well-executed shit inducing anxious music to go with them. You're a professional at this point, but the music is making you second guess yourself. The OST is actually fantastic and I’d post examples but I can’t find it ANYWHERE!!! All I have is this old trailer to work with, but it uses one of the best songs in my opinion. Classic example of the composer giving it their all, even if it’s for a short goober game about bird mailmen. Never stop.

Anyways, play KeyWe. It’s ridiculously fun.

Actually good multiplayer game that needs more attention.

Some of the best fun you can have in Couch Co-op.

Me and my wife laughed so hard we cried, and there were none of those argument-inducing levels you sometimes get in other games like overcooked for example.

Oh boy do I just love time trials

I didn't have a co-op partner to play this with at the time I played it because Steam Remote Play is god awful, so I was kind of worried it would be omega unfun.

In actuality, it's still playable in single-player and pretty functional. You do have to use 1,010% of your brain capacity Scarlett Johansson style to control both birds dual-wielding both sides of your keyboard to pull it off, but it is manageable nonetheless. It's virtually impossible to get anything higher than a bronze medal per level, but boy did I feel ginormous brain after pulling off some of those typewriter levels all by myself. It is still pretty fun!

But jokes aside, you definitely should be playing this with a friend as it's meant to. I didn't finish the game, only some levels, so I plan on re-reviewing this later when I finally get to have the full experience. There are about 4 levels that get repeated, just with slight difficult variations and obstacles added in. Some level types are much harder than others. So, I see this game having Mario Party potential of lethal vitriol between partners.

I don't know man. I still need like 100 more tickers to get the ultimate fluffy, parrot colored Kiwi with the fanciest hat and backpack so I have to get that at some point. Me Kiwi, You Kiwi.

Really think about who you want to play this with

A fun co-op mess, with adorable wee birbs. There's a real split between level styles, some are really great and others are really awful. It's worth a play for couples and such, but there are better games (phogs)

What a lovely but also really frustrating experience at times. I went through this with a friend over a couple weekends and it's at times one of my favorite "Overcooked-like" game experiences but also has so many tiny issues that hinder the experience.

I think its charm, setting and characters shine through exceptionally - even for smaller characters like the octopus Zoey and the cassowaries. I was initially worried 2 players might make for a weaker experience compared to most 4 player titles in this genre, but if anything that made the minigame variations and styles feel miles more directed and purposeful when they swapped between seasons.

The two complaints I have are likely gonna be the same as everyone else - the online experience is hindered by its bugs and the difficulty can be jolting at times. There were many times that any sense of flow state or energy we had going into a challenge was immediately ruined by important pickups just not displaying on one player's screen. More importantly however, the timing tasks in some of the challenges (buttslam at the same time, etc) could be more lenient to deal with iffy connections. Finally, the times/scores to get gold can be brutal. The scores for them feel less on playing optimally with impromptu tasks, but more playing 2 steps ahead of an existing flowchart - which ruins the magic of feeling like two workers solving mailroom tasks given to you to the best of your ability.

If the trailer or art style for this has already charmed you, you should absolutely give this game a shot. Every moment of frustration was still followed by a smile or burst of excitement - even for a game that is better suited for the couch than online. If only I had gotten to this game sooner!

Extremely fun with friends and has an adorable concept. It's not overly simple like most multiplayer games of this kind tend to be.

Buon puzzle game da giocare in schermo condiviso.
Il setting è carino, divertente e pieno di charme portato principalmente dai due amabili kiwi del gioco.
Il gameplay riesce costantemente ad evolversi ad ogni livello, aggiungendo nuove sfide, meccaniche ed idee sull'ossatura delle quattro tipologie di livello presenti nel gioco. I minigiochi, per quanto facili, sono un'aggiunta niente male.

Il lato dolente è la durata estremamente ridotta, specie se confrontata col prezzo decisamente elevato.
25 euro per 6/8 ore di contenuto. A meno che non si punti a prendere l'oro in ogni livello, cosa assai difficile e che può allungare sensibilmente il brodo.

Lo consiglierei in sconto, non a prezzo pieno.

Super cute and fun couple's game!! Great mechanics, neat art style, cool themes, and overall a great time!! :)