Reviews from

in the past

Uno de los mejores juegos de Kirby en mi opinión. Tiene un montón de poderes que puedes absorber de los enemigos y los niveles son muy originales e implementan genial estos niveles. Los bosses son muy divertidos y carismáticos, e incluía una boss-rush con todos los poderes disponibles para enfrentarte a los jefes.

My first Kirby game. Have a lot of love for it in my heart, despite its flaws looking back. Magolor best kirby character don't @ me.

I wish that the game was longer and a little bit more challenging but I still really liked it

Provavelmente o meu jogo do Kirby favorito, problema que faz um trilhão de anos que eu joguei (2018) então não lembro direito das paradas kkkkk, só lembro que a batalha do boss final é pika e pegar as engrenagem nas fases tinha uma dificuldade que deixava o jogo divertido

I absolutely adore this game. It's got a great artstyle and music, safe but incredibly solid level design, fantastic boss fights, some of my favorite abilities in the series, and 4-player co-op. I get that it's not everyone's cup of tea, but it's my personal favorite Kirby game and I doubt anything will ever top it.

Edit: Alright maybe I like Robobot more but this is still fantastic

Joguei uma demo disso no Switch e me apaixonei.

Finished this with my gf. A very satisfying and really great Kirby game.

Kirbys Return to the REM Sleeping World is fun and kirby but it has some tiny issues that bother me. The mega copy abilities are pointless, boring, and mainly just a marketing tool, some of the game has new super mario bros. enviornments, some ideas are repeated like rolling boulders, timed powerups, and that stupid doomer guy. The thing that bugs me the most is that a lot of the secrets require you to use a specific copy ability, and you often can't go back to get that copy ability in the level. Just let me use the copy abilities I want to use😠😠😠😠

With that being said this game is awesome. The level design is great, the copy abilites are amazing with a decent amount of commands (my favorites are whip and fighter) and its got magalor in it.

also why does dedede look like that in the remaster i hate it.

Not much to say here. This game is amazing. It's the first Kirby game that I actually finish and I'd play it again and again.

Played the entire thing in co-op and I'm not sure if it'd hold up this well on single player mode, but that doesn't take away the fact that Return to Dreamland is extremely charming, entertaining, accessible, well paced and dynamic. Not to mention the soundtrack that, while it starts of as generic, it gets better and better as the game moves forward.

It can get repetitive, boss fights are a little rough, minigames are dull and playing as Kirby feels unique, but not quite as consistent as playing as Meta Knight or King Dedede.

Anyway, Return to Dreamland is a quick and amiable game that's easy to play and get lost in it. Go have fun with it.

With the release of Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe I knew I had two options: drop about sixty dollars on the rerelease that adds big garish black outlines to the characters as if something about the original's presentation made the action inscrutable, or put the iso of the original on my Wii's hard drive and play a much better looking game... With the Wiimote sideways. Well shit, that was a pretty easy call all the way to the end.

Frankly, I've found a lot of Nintendo's rereleases on Switch to be pretty uncompelling and settled on discomfort. I should get a pro controller if I'm going to play more Wii games, holding the Wiimote sideways might be the single worst way to experience any Nintendo game. What a garbage setup, with its prank D-pad and hard edges digging into your palm... At least Return to Dream Land plays well and is so enjoyable that even despite this horrid controller setup, I often found myself thinking "damn, this might be as good as The Crystal Shards."

Return to Dream Land is about as straight-forward a Kirby game as it gets. At least in single player. I get the feeling one of the big draws to this one is playing with friends, but nobody is willing to come over and watch Kirby and Meta Knight smooch with me. Tragic, I know. On some level, Return feels antiquated, with only Super Abilities and a very minimal amount of Wiimote waggling offering anything new to the typical Kirby formula, but I think adhering to tradition makes Return comfortably nostalgic.

That adherence to expected gameplay and inclusion of co-op makes this a friendly entry point, too. Not that most people reading a Backloggd review will struggle with Kirby's notoriously easy brand of gameplay, but I grabbed a copy of Deluxe for my niece after learning about how much she adores Kirby, and she's had a great time playing it with her mom. I'm 36 and had just as good of a time playing this hunched in front of a CRT. That's uh, the power of Kirby.

the couch coop in this game is unmatched, very easygoing but still a tried and true kirby game (you kill god)

For the longest time this was my favorite Kirby game, and while a superior remake has now been released, I still adore the original Wii version. In my opinion, it has the best roster of abilities in the series, every single one is fun to use. The level design is consistently engaging, getting all the collectibles is challenging, especially on Extra mode. I think I might also be one of the few people that loves the ability challenge stages, it's just immensely satisfying to grind out the perfect execution to earn platinum medals. The super abilities are not really a great gimmick but they don't bring down the overall gameplay experience.

The boss fights, are a considerable improvement on what the series did previously, now each one has multiple phases and quite a few more attacks. I love the inclusion of Extra Mode just because it offers a more difficult traditional Kirby experience, with the reduced health bar and tougher bosses. The fact that you can't start a new file on Extra mode is pretty annoying though, if I want to replay it it I would have to beat the whole game in normal mode first.

Though this game is great in terms of gameplay, I think my favorite aspect still has to be the presentation. It's hard for me to describe just how much I love how this game looks, sounds, and feels. The music evokes such a strong sense of nostalgia and cosmic wonder. The environments and backgrounds have a perfect whimsical fantasy aesthetic. Everything I love about the Kirby series is embodied within this game's presentation.

A solid return to form for Kirby after multiple years of not receiving a new game. An absolute blast with friends that kicked off the new design philosophy for every new Kirby game going forward. Great music, levels are designed fairly well and work well for both singleplayer and multiplayer, and the copy abilities are fun as ever to use. The game is still pretty easy and doesn't really do anything "new" for the franchise other than being 3D modeled and having 4 player local multiplayer (alongside some new Super Abilities).

Earned 100% on my save file, did not go for the platinum medals on the Challenge Stages. Not sure if I want to go back for those medals, but if I managed it on Kirby's Dream Collection, I suppose that I can do it here, too. Despite the extra content, I will not be picking up the Switch remake.

awesome game, i wish kirby was real

I trust him I trust him I trust him I no longer trust him waddle dee main character.

Good GOD this game is legendary. No words. I adore Magolor, the gameplay, the level design, AND HOLY SHIT literally one of the best final boss fights/boss soundtracks ever. 10/10

fun to play on the wii, really good story

El primer Kirby que termine y me gustó mucho.
El sistema de absorber las habilidades es bastante divertido e interesante y el plataformeo aunque sencillo es muy bueno eso sí el juego se vuelve difícil en sus últimas zonas cosa que se siente algo raro comparado con experiencia en general.
En cuánto a trama bastante sencilla y divertida, por alguna razón me sorprendió el plot final.
Tiene un par de retos desbloqueables y minijuegos que están simpáticos.
La versión delux está con más contenido por lo que es la mejor y la recomiendo pese a que tiene un par de zonas mal iluminadas.

Je n'étalerais pas l'étendue de mon amour pour ce jeu

When Maga Lawnmower QT first invented the Gorsh in 1993, the events were set in motion to create a pretty solid Kirby installment for the Wii

This is the 100th that I've logged onto here. Isn't that a fun milestone?

Expect every game I play now in this Kirbython to be a 10/10, and it's all thanks to this trailblazer. This is is exact moment where the Kirby series went from "already really good" to "peak fucking fiction". Every single asset you could possibly want in a Kirby game or damn even a video game in general has been perfected here. The visuals, the level design, the music, the new gimmicks, the bosses, all of it is basically perfected here. Literally the ONLY gripe I have here is that it's a little bit tedious to play the extra mode in order to get 100%, but the game is so goddamn fun to play that I genuinely don't care. Kirby's Return To Dream Land is arguably the most important step the franchise has ever taken and it is definitely the first in a long line if smash hits for the Kirby series

This game is fucking awesome, imagine if there was a remake that would be released on my birthday

This was so much fun. Easily my favorite kirby game its not even close

i would play the fuck out of this with my cousins. also the galacta knight battle blew my fucking mind.

The variety of power ups is amazing and the level design is lovely, holds a special place in my heart

We eat some delicious food, meet some old friends and kill god that the end with an sick ass sword and final pose. 10/10