Reviews from

in the past

If you never seen the movies then the cut scenes in this game will confuse you. I still own this one. ... Ok, I still own all my lego games.

It just doesn't get better than this. Despite lacking an open world or hundreds of characters the levels are designed perfectly and 100% completing was a complete joy from beginning to end

essa nota possui peso emocional (zerei com minha mãe

nice relaxing lego game as they almost all are

One of The Best Lego Games ever made, while also shorter story and smaller character roster than most lego games like Lego Batman 1 it is still truly one of the most fun games to play, as a platformer and adventure game it excels in all the right ways and I am glad to see how far TT games has come.

Now please give us a Collection on modern day platforms TT games.

I played this game before my parent would let me watch Indiana Jones, so I always called the guy in the hat "Hat Guy". Super fun, mindless Lego chaos.

My brother discovered that Trillion stud glitch by accident when he was like 6 and I was 7. Stumped me and my parents until I got curious years later and found an obscure youtube video explaining what happened.

man i love the ps2 lego games

So good I have never felt the need to see the actual movies, sorry Spielberg...

i actually don't remember playing this game but prob watched my brother play this

First game I 100% without cheat codes. It's a love letter to the first 3 movies!

Jamais darei menos de 5 estrelas pra um jogo de lego, fatos!!!
Ainda mais o Lego Indiana Jones que foi meu primeiro jogo de Lego pra console.

pretty good Lego game!!! I'm glad child me got to grow up with these games cause they're really good kids games. this one does a great job at transcribing the vibe and plots of each movie into cool levels. I'm honestly suprised by how many playable characters you can get out of only the original trilogy. getting 100% was definitely a bit tedious and annoying, and the things that don't hold up about the movies also don't hold up here, but I'm glad to have taken time to revisit Lego Indiana Jones.

Nostalgia is great as I remember my eyes being foggy from pool chlorine and thinking the tv colors were off

Nota afetada por motivos emocionais.

Half the roster is just un-named goons.

I played this like 9 years ago with my dad i remember nothing but it was probably goated

I never did find all the star wars easter eggs

This game is actually a significant improvement over both original lego star wars games. I don't think there were any levels that I actively disliked. The vehicle levels feel very responsive and aren't nearly as crazy, but that could be due to the grounded nature of indiana jones vs star wars. I think this is very close to the early lego formula perfected, which I think is very impressive for the third game in the franchise. I also love indiana jones so there's that.

nunca zerei pq n tinha memory card

joguei sem nunca ter assistido um filme da franquia e mesmo assim o game faz um trabalho ótimo em apresentar a história na época que lego ainda não tinha falas. é muito divertido e satisfatório pegar os 100%

Movies are lucky they are so good, because this game almost surpassed them

I was afraid this was going to feel old and dated, but it ended up being one of the most fun LEGO games I've played, and I've played a lot of them. The graphics still look good, the puzzles are fun and not annoying for the most part, and the music is great. Sometimes enemies spawn too much and that gets annoying, but that's about the only thing that I wish was better. A pretty good time, honestly.

[Revisitation of my Childhood, Part 1]

Yes. You saw that rating correctly.
This game is ALSO not my first LEGO game. But it is one of the ones I remember the most from. Not from playing it with siblings or anything, I just mean I remember the levels. From my memory of the levels, it seems I beat Raiders, got most of the way through Doom, and got about halfway through Crusade. Despite my last playthrough of this game easily being at least 6 or 7 years ago, one of the levels I most remember was this horrid Last Crusade motorcycle level. And replaying it, I realized...actually, it was still pretty bad. But it wasn't as bad as I remember. Definitely the worst level in the game, as with most of Crusade. It's quite funny to me that, when I'm older and have actually watched the movies, Last Crusade, in my opinion, is by far the best one. But in the game, it has probably the worst set of levels, while still being great. It's mostly just the shudders motorcycle level that brings it down. Raiders and Doom both have really good levels too. The bonus levels are okay, with Young Indy being awesome, and the other two being really boring. But they are the classic LEGO 1,000,000 stud levels, so, it's fine I guess. Anyway, this was a blast to 100%, and a great time.