Reviews from

in the past

For being constantly compared to it without fail this game is so much better than Limbo it’s not even funny.

A great horror experience with impeccable atmosphere. It's got good Limbo-esque platforming puzzles with an added 3rd dimension, although some malicious checkpointing means the occasional trial-and-error segments become more of a trial in patience.

Um dos melhores jogos de terror. Os gráficos e a música são ótimos. O design dos monstros faz você realmente sentir medo. A história é bem complicada mas acho que essa sensação de não saber quem você é, onde você está ou o que são essas "coisas" só adiciona à experiência.

Still a great game even after all this years.

The only things I've found annoying especially considering the last achievement (speedrun one) were poorly responsive controls. This doesn't happen all the time as some sections can feel really really smooth, but I feel like having character react to almost everything around them (like putting hands on the walls or tripping when mashing arrow keys) should be allowed to be disabled as they are just pain in the a when trying to beat the game quickly.
Also, the checkpoints on this game could have been more frequent and more thought off.

For the positive things we have pretty much everything else. Interesting level design and world building,
fun puzzles,
camera work (most of the times),
and of course the detailed climbing animations, which might not be a big of a deal for most people, but I've found them to be an example of devs just not being lazy and paying attention to our immersion.

I won't spoil anything, but if you don't get goosebumps during the ending you might not have a neurosystem.

To summarize: Should you play this game? Yes.
Should you 100% it? Hell no...

very interesting and creepy

Inside só que ainda melhor

Jogo muito daorinha com puzzles bastante interessantes e criativos, e uma ambientação única. O foco não é ser assustador, mas perturbador, e os designs dos cenários, dos monstros e também a sonorização realçam muito isso.

it was decent, randomly bought and played while my friend watched cause we thought it was scary but it was interesting nonetheless.

Muy muy guay y disfrutable. Las mecánicas son divertidas y las situaciones son muy variadas e interesantes.

Really nice visuals, shallow gameplay, and obtuse story.
I still like it very much tho.

Little Nightmares is on my shrine of best horror video games without a doubt. It's got everything. Awesome soundtrack, aesthetic, gameplay, visuals, and just like everything. Love it.

the game atmosphere and art direction are phenomenal the puzzles were good enough for me but i did not understood what the hell was going on in this game. But nevertheless i enjoyed my time with it

Cheio de mistério, trilha sonora muito boa, curtinho, puzzles divertidos e simples. Resumidamente, um joguinho muito bom!!

cara eu gostei mt do jogo mas fiquei todo cagado de medo e dropei

My favourite horror game series for its "charming" aesthetic and perfect tone of creepiness; all done so without overstaying its welcome

"oh boy what a delicious looking sausage, I hope I get to eat it"

Excelente level design, excelente edição de som, e excelente trilha sonora. Little Nightmares opta por ser um jogo de terror que perturba pelo visual, e cumpre essa tarefa com sucesso absoluto. A gameplay é simples o suficiente para não se tornar algo frustrante, deixando a dificuldade a mercê do level design

Very cool, a good length. This is a limbo-type game but with personality.

Pretty cool game about the Republican National Convention, always nice to learn about the inner workings of our great nation 👍

Little Nightmares was a decent stealth game with some frustrating parts, although for a 3 hour long game it was amazing but in this game you can get lost pretty easily.

You take the role of a girl named Six, your goal is to escape The Maw which is a underwater iron vessel. With the help of a lighter who guides you through the game you will encounter leeches,a janitor and some twin chefs, the iron vessel is fulfilled with lots of guests who are ready to eat anything that contains meat in the game, the theory surrounds that the children or those anonymous creatures are being killed and served to the guests. The main antagonist is a mysterious lady in a kimono, through the game while you encounter massive and obese creatures she's the last one once you survive the guest room, by defeating her with a mirror you will consume her flesh and become powerful being able to take lives away from the guests at the end, a bloody story with terrifying creatures but yet again it's a decent story.

A 3D plaftormer with stealth, that's how I can describe this game but the controls are DAMN AWFUL, if you want additional challenge play with keyboard and mouse input. The stealth part is fairly easy but sometimes you can be stuck not knowing where to go and dying randomly until you find a way, and the controls felt very unresponsive at times that lead me to rage quite a bit, and at the end of the game please check your graphics settings it might randomly crash and you will need to fight the lady again. The game had some horror atmosphere but on how annoying it was at times that horror atmosphere was gone.

Interesting game for being so short, but GOD DAMN it was frustrating at times so that takes away from the stars.

FUCKKKK this game's camera. everything else is pretty engaging tho

Great storytelling, atmosphere and art design. Maybe a bit dull for the first few sections, but it got better during the second half. Monster designs are fairly creative, but their AI leaves me a bit disappointed.
Did not enjoy the DLC much though.
I came in expecting a lot from this game and I wish I had enjoyed it a bit more.

Little Nightmares es de esos juegos que siempre había soñado jugar. Ese terror desde el punto de vista de un niño que ve todo como enorme en comparación a él, seguido de esos monstruos con pintas grotescas y comportamientos únicos... es definitivamente una experiencia.

Sempre ouvi boas críticas deste jogo, mas devo admitir que, mesmo assim, fui surpreendido pela qualidade da história, da direção de arte e da ambientação. Tudo que o jogo se propõe a ser, ele é, proporcionando ao jogador um sentimento real de aflição das profundezas e um nojo nauseante dos "ricos comilões".

Recomendo a todos que queiram passar algumas horinhas resolvendo puzzles, mas alerto que o jogo não é tão de terror como a página da Steam faz com ele se pareça.