Reviews from

in the past

whooaaa this game was kinda hard to play cuz my diarrhea computer kept lagging. it looked really pretty though and it was lots of fun floating around in space. the lady was ugly and annoying though and i didn't care about the story at all. just let me do things in space please.

It's hard to express how much I adore this game.
Objectively, there's not a ton of meat on the bones here, you could finish this in like 2 sittings (and that's if you take your time to soak things in).
But whatever it's lacking in terms of content or maybe story, it absolutely makes up for it in immersion and world-building. The movement system is immaculate, probably the best I've seen in a VR game. And there is detail on a microscopic level. There have been times I've replayed this game, and noticed something new I legitimately never knew about prior.
Maybe I oversell this game, but it is a crime how unnoticed it is (The Rift exclusivity really didn't help either). VR is inherently niche, PCVR even moreso. But if you have the hardware for it, I heavily implore you to play this game (use Revive if you have to).