Reviews from

in the past

Magenta Horizon is one of my favorite action games, perhaps even the most fun I’ve had in the genre. It’s a whirlwind of chaos and skill that is incredible to master.
Music that goes hard, wonderfully weird aesthetics, an expertly designed move set, a dizzying cast of delightfully devilish enemies, interesting stages + world, and a maniacal ceiling for challenge… this game is just packed with things to love.

Magenta Horizon is the full power of an action-game fiend, blasted at you without restraint. Each enemy type is cleverly designed to present you with a threat that deserves your attention… have fun dealing with an entire arena of them at the same time. There is a truly staggering number of monsters in this game, and they’re eager to gang up on you with their impressive diversity and powerful synergies.

Each arena is an incredibly crafted challenge. You aren’t only facing a purposeful onslaught of great enemies, often the arena layout itself is ready to join the fight against you. There’s a great sense of variety as you encounter various line-ups of enemies, strange environmental hazards, and interesting gimmicks. Especially amusing is the occasional flagrant disregard of occupancy limits… arenas that cram these enemies into a painfully tight space.

Gretel’s powerful moveset is what allows the game to have these mad challenges. She has a wide array of fantastic feeling moves that flow into each other as a non-stop stream of violence. Over the course of the game, you’ll unlock 8 (!) awesome magical spells that each provide a powerful ability… which also can synergize with each other to create awesome crowd devasting effects. Finally, Magenta Horizon has the greatest healing mechanic in all of video games. The glorious healing bomb promotes aggression so well that it puts things like DOOM’s glory kills to shame.

Speaking of aggression, this game has excellent bosses. None of the nonsense common to games where it feels like you and the boss are taking turns. Instead, both of you are wildly and relentlessly aggressive.

Magenta Horizon also has one of the best hard modes. Reaper difficulty is a beautiful force to be reckoned with, it cranks the wonderful challenge to a whole new level… here the enemy and arena design truly shine. It feels awesome to overcome these gauntlets which all prompt a “are you serious” reaction from me.

Finally, I must point out that Act 2 absolutely rules. This review applies to act 1, which you can check out for free… somehow Act 2 is even better. The levels are much more interesting to navigate, the musical style is even more developed, the necklace system starts to offer interesting decisions and build choices and of course the enemies are simply evil.