Reviews from

in the past

Just play hungry shark evolution

que lindo ele matando gente s2

Proposta legal, mas o jogo ainda é fraco. Não me prendeu.

it's...not bad? campy, ridiculous revenge story, some fun combat. the final boss is TERRIBLY designed and comes out of nowhere, and the game is way too long. the open world is SHIT and is just ubisoft formula but...shark. but, not the worst thing ever tbh

Gets repetitive later on but I did laugh a hell of a lot

If a game where your playing as a shark gets boring you’re doing something wrong

Enjoyed what I was playing but other games came out that pulled me away. I'll swim back out when I can but my backlog can smell blood in the water.

Me lembra muito aqueles jogos de celular dos tubarões. Bem divertido e nada cansativo.

I couldn’t remember why I had put this game aside originally.

Within the first few minutes of revisiting the game tonight, it was obvious - those godawful controls. For what this game promises to be, even at best, it’s really not worth my time to try to “master” this clunker.

Fue muy divertido de jugar, pero si cae muy rápido en lo repetitivo, de la cantidad de juegos que jugado este es uno de eso juegos que si pesan con su combate.
Igual es divertido:D

Loses track of its own premise. Jaws Unleashed may be clunkier mechanically but it better understands the appeal enacting shark carnage than this, which despite reaching for Sharknado absurdity gets inundated with generic upgrades. Ends up feeling like a worse Prototype game. Also, for all the writing dedicated to Chris Parnell’s smarmy narration, nothing in this game is as funny as grabbing a scientist with your mouth and slamming him against a card reader to open a door.

I am a huge Tripwire fan. I thought this game was beautiful. The story was underwhelming but I wasn't playing it for the story - I was playing it to EAT MEN.

Nesse jogo você controla um tubarão, que começa sendo um filhotinho, e ao longo do jogo você vai comendo outros peixes e crescendo. O jogo é bem bonito e a jogabilidade é bem divertida, porém o jogo é bem limitado e torna-se até enjoativo. O ponto forte do jogo é a narração, já que ela faz parecer que você está assistindo um programa de pesca de tubarão na televisão, e isso é PERFEITO

O jogo em si é divertido mas se torna muuuuuito repetitivo, as missões são basicamente iguais e não agregam em nada ao gameplay. O combate é interessante e contém elementos RPG, gostei da história do jogo que é envolvente e divertida

It's a cool premise but the gameplay is just so repetitive and avoiding the predators at the start is kinda annoying

It's fun for an afternoon but I don't feel compelled to pick it back up much at all

Ahí está el tiburón, ahí está el tiburón

This game started off so promising to me, but It's premise wears so thin after a few hours and the game does very little to evolve it's formula to the extent where the later stages of the game were just an exercise in tedium and frustration.

I made the grave mistake of buying the truth quest DLC as well which basically just added an extra 4 hours of the exact same thing I had already grown tired of on top of the already stale experience.

I enjoy strange games that take a wacky premise and run with it, so I can't hate this game, I did afterall mostly enjoy my time as well, I just feel like it should have perhaps been half as long and half as expensive.

I think a sequel that refines and innovates on the mechanics could genuinely be a good time.

downloaded it, started it, blacked out for 3 days, came to and i had finished it. what a "turn your brain off" video game will do to a man if he lets it.........

Not bad at all. It doesn't overstay too long either, which is good because what is does is kind of limited. Oddly the DLC teaser you get after completing the main game seems more interesting, and apparently they added new mission types which would be welcome because the ones in the game get a bit old after a while. Still, it was pretty fun. One of those B games people keep lamenting no longer exist.

I was hoping this game was actually good, but... Well, graphics and performance are very bad, the gameplay is awful and the main objectives are annoying and repetitive. Only good part on my experience was the storytelling, which is nice because of the reality show vibe. Besides that, I don't recommend this and if u want a game in this gameplay style, I recommend you playing Dredge

Inizialmente è divertente, ma dopo un oretta e mezza vuoi solamente che tutto finisca. Veramente troppo ripetitivo e semplice.