Reviews from

in the past

Review pasted from GG

According to other reviews here people seem to believe this is a bad port but it was my first time fully playing through Mega Man 1-3 and I didn't really notice anything that I didn't remember being just as bad in the NES versions but I could be wrong

Actually finishing these games is a bit weird because I went a really long time thinking these games were all like this horribly unforgiving experience but honestly, they're really not all that hard at all if you just know what to do. Especially once you get access to E-Tanks the checkpoints are honestly much more forgiving than most NES era games :v

Most of the frustration comes with just certain particular game design choices rather than the actual difficulty of the game. Though, you can see that the criticism was taken by the developers as these games released because in these first three games alone it is certainly noticeable how certain problems from the first game are fixed in the second, then problems still in the second fixed in the third. Things like only being able to carry 4 E-Tanks in Mega Man 2 for example, just seems kind of counter-intuitive if the point is that you're supposed to save them.

Overall not bad though or anything I liked them and I think I understand why people seem to consider 2 one of the best of the three. It is definitely the most memorable I'd say. Even though there are some things in 3 that make it less frustrating it's also a bit more boring.

It's a really faithful remake of 1-3 so I can't really fault it for that, tho it would have been nice to have some of the 4-6 improvements (at the very least them be optional). I didn't like not being able to open the weapon menu while a bullet is still on screen, don't remember that being a thing in NES 1-3 for all the weapons.
The Wily Tower was a fun addition! Being able to customize which skills you are equipped with is nice.

Controls have an input delay that makes the whole experience don't feel snappy as the NES version.

Bem fiel aos jogos originais, incluindo os defeitos. Tem sérios problemas de input delay. Tirando isso, foi uma experiência ótima, e o Wily Tower foi uma excelente adição, embora a dificuldade seja super baixa comaparado ao que deve ser feito para desbloqueá-lo.

It was really fun to go back and replay the first 3 titles, especially after I forgot like half of the Robot Master weaknesses. And I never knew they had a bunch of extra levels in this one, so that was awesome to experience for the first time.

please play this game, it's on Nintendo Switch Online!